(1) Planning The Trip

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"Hey Ellie.. guess what I've decided that me and you this summer are going to go on a vacation together me and you. Since this is my last summer before my last year of high school starts then I leave my little sister all on her own for a year." Nicole said 

"Oh Nikki.. where do you want to go?' Ellie said as she closed her book and put her tea on her nightstand. 

"Florida me and you get a hotel room to share then we spend like two weeks there." Nicole said 

"I do love the beach." Ellie said 

"I know and we haven't been in a long time. Besides I told dad and he said that he would pay for the whole thing."  Nicole said

Ellie smiled and said "You are such an awesome sister yes I think it will be fun." 

"Great.. so where's your laptop so we can start looking for the perfect hotel room for us." Nicole said 

Ellie found her IPAD on her desk and laid back down beside her sister and they start looking up hotels as they lay side by side on Ellie's bed. Marcus their dad peaked in on them through a small crack in the door and he smiled and whispered "My beautiful girls." 

Meanwhile at Barnes Auto Shop Bucky was online with his 3 best friends and he said "We need the perfect beach house guys I mean we have us 4 and then the 3 girls." 

"You aren't bringing Lindsey." Steve said

"Fuck no.. I broke up with her annoying ass yesterday I swear she is annoying." Bucky said 

"Oh well that's news to us." Sam said as he walked away to work on a car. 

"Boys get to work." James said as he came down from the main office. 

Bucky rolled his eyes and closed out of the tab and helped Sam work on a car. That night Ellie and Nicole showed their dad the hotel that they chose and he called them and reserved their room for two weeks since school wasn't out for another month and half. Bucky and the boys went over to Natasha's place after work as they all chose a beach house then her dad reserved the beach house for them. 

The following Monday Nicole went to her friend Cassie and said "Your brother still makes fake IDS right." 

"Yeah why?' Cassie said 

"I need a new one for me cause I lost mine and I need one for my sister." Nicole said

"You need one for Ellie?' Cassie said

"Don't ask questions Cassie I just need them here is $80 get it done for me." Nicole said 

"Okay I'll get it done." Cassie said 

Meanwhile down in the junior hall Bucky was running down the hall cause he thought he was late and bumping to Ellie almost knocking her over. "Hey 4 eyes shouldn't those glasses help you to see better." Bucky said 

She rolled her eyes and walked away. 

A few days later Cassie said "Here you go Nikki." 

"Thank you. " Nicole said 

That night she gave Ellie's hers and said "Now we have a lot to do for your look baby sis. Like getting you contacts and maybe trying to get your belly button pierced too." 

Ellie said "Okay.. as long as you hold my hand." 

Nicole shook her head and said "Go to bed I'll see you in the morning. We go shopping this weekend." 

"Sounds good Nicole love you." she said as Nicole left her room. 

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