(17) Liam's First Birthday

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It was the day of Liam and Bucky's birthday Nicole flew in the day before just so she could be in town for his first birthday. Winnie and Ellie got up early and went to the rec center and decorated the room they rented out for his birthday. They decorated the high chair and the tables. 

Bucky's aunt Lisa came in with all the snacks and finger foods she made around noon. Ellie went home to get ready and get Liam ready in his outfit that she and Bucky ordered for him. She came downstairs to find Bucky giving Liam a bath. 

"Hey baby I came back to do that.' Ellie said

"I got it baby I knew that we had that outfit so I went ahead started to get him ready." he said as he got him out of the bath tub and wrapped in a towel. 

"Okay then um I'm gonna pull myself together" she said he kissed her and said "mm I love you baby." 

"I love you too and happy birthday baby" she said 

"Thank you darlin." he said as he went into the nursery. 

She watched him from the door and he said "happy birthday to you little man. I remember when mama let me hold you for the first time you were such a chunky butt. How I will never forget that day." 

Ellie wiped tears cause she remembered he didn't get to see him come into the world but he got to hold him. She whispered "I'm sorry Buck." as she walked back into their bedroom and started to cry. 

Bucky finished putting his outfit on him and fixed his hair then went into their room. "Baby what's the matter why did you say I'm sorry." as he sat beside her.

"Because even though you were there last year and you got hold him I feel like I robbed you from seeing him come into the world. I had Nicole in the room she cut his cord that was suppose to be you not my sister." she said 

He wiped her tears and said "Baby it's okay.. we can have more babies and I'll be there for them. I got to hold my son the day he was born and that's all that matters to me baby I was there that day I may not have been in the room but I was there baby and it's okay." 

Liam came over to them and she said "He looks so cute in his outfit." 

"He does

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"He does.. I can't believe he's one already baby." Bucky said 

"I know.." she said 

They both finished getting ready then they went and picked up the cake and pizza. They got to the rec center and all the family was there and they all came over took turns holding Liam. They ate pizza and then Ellie said "Okay everyone time for cake." 

Bucky brought out the cake and put a candle on it

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Bucky brought out the cake and put a candle on it. Bucky and Ellie were both holding him as everyone sang happy birthday to him then they helped him blow out his candle as Winnie and Nicole took pictures. 

Ellie took the top tier off and made it his smash cake and Liam smashed his cake and had it all over his face and hands. Bucky and Ellie got him cleaned up and put his onesie back on and they did presents. 

After the party was over and they took everything home and put Liam down for a nap they got changed and then they went out to dinner with their friends to celebrate Bucky's birthday. 

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