(27) Bringing Bellatrix Home!

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On Bucky's birthday she woke up before him and looked over Bucky as he slept and whispered "Happy Birthday baby" as she ran her hand through his hair. "Mmm thank you baby." he whispered as he slowly woke up. 

He smiled and he said "I love waking up next to you baby." 

"I love that you are here all the time with me I'm glad that your parents didn't care to let you move in with me." she said as she rolled to her side after she put her glasses on. 

He smiled and said "baby it was either that or all 3 of us try and cram into the basement and I for one was not about to have sex in my parents with my loud mouth of a girlfriend. I'm surprise we don't wake the neighbors honestly." 

She gasped and said "That is rude." 

"But I love it baby. Who knew quiet Eleanor Cooper could be so loud in bed." he said with a wicked grin. 

"Shut up.." she said as she kissed him.

She climbed on top of him and he moaned "Do I get birthday sex already man I am lucky." 

She guided herself down on him and started to work her hips. He whispered "Oh Happy birthday to me. ' as he squeezed her butt cheeks. He whispered "Oh Ellie...oh god Ellie baby." 

"Yeah James..oh god yes" she said as she started come undone.

"OH baby doll give it to me." he said as he started work against her.

"Yeah oh god right there." she said as her eyes began to roll. 

"Mmmm fuck yeah baby." Bucky said as she got faster. 

"James.. oh god fuck me" she said then he rolled them and he wrapped her legs around his waist and started to slam into her as the headboard hit the wall. She started screaming out his name till he spilled into her. 

"Oh god. Best birthday sex ever." he said as he rolled off of her. 

"I love you baby." she said 

"I love you too." he said 

They finally got up and showed and got dressed. Like they do every morning they went by the hospital so Ellie could feed Bellatrix before school. While she was feeding her the pediatrician came in and said "Ms Cooper Mr Barnes I wanted to let you know that this afternoon she's allowed to go home with you all." 

Bucky gasped and said "Seriously she's allowed to come home?' 

"Yeah she's allowed to finally come home she's strong enough to go home. Just remember that because she's preemie that she can get sick easily so make sure everyone uses germ x before they hold her and no smoking or anyone that has recently been sick can be around her." the doctor said

"Thank you so much" Ellie said 

"Did you hear that Bella you get come home finally and on daddy's birthday of all days." Bucky said as he held her after Ellie finished feeding her. 

They both kissed her and said that they would be back after school. They texted everyone to let them know that Bella gets to come home. They walked into school all smiles hand in hand they were at her locker and he said "So she gets to go out with us with my family for my birthday dinner I'm so excited to bring her home baby." 

"Me too." she said 

They told everyone that day that they finally get to bring her home. After school they went back the apartment and got out her outfit that Ellie had picked to bring her home in and the diaper bag and her car seat. They put it all in the back of Ellie's car cause Bucky didn't want to drive her in the truck. 

They pulled up to the hospital and brought in her outfit and car seat. Ellie changed her then put her outfit and headband on her and said "Perfect." as she took her picture. 

They signed her discharge papers and then they left with their baby girl. They got to his parents house Bucky said "Mom dad we have a surprise." 

"In the kitchen." Winnie said 

They walked into the kitchen and sat Bellatrix up on the kitchen table. "Oh my gosh she's out." Winnie said as she walked over and moved the blanket and said "Look at her James so tiny and blonde." as she got her out of the car seat.

James came over and said "Eleanor made all over." 

"I know lord help me" Bucky said 

"Hey..I"m standing right here." she said 

That night they got home with her and laid her down in between them and he said "She's perfect baby we made a perfect baby girl" 

"I know.." she said 

"I thought the doctor was going to say boy." he said

"Why?' she said 

"Because the day I came to talk to you when I pulled your glasses off." he said 

"Yeah." she said

"The night before I got tackled hard during the game and a concussion. And I had dream while I was knocked out about how you didn't tell me and I came to see you at the hospital on this day and the baby was a boy a 9lb baby boy and you kept refusing to tell the dad and you kept saying it was nothing special that the guy used you. It took me pushing and pushing till you finally broke and told me that he was mine and we started to date and we learned that we fell in love on the trip through hypnosis and we didn't use protection and then when we left for college you pregnant with a girl and when I woke up my parents had taken our son to Disneyland for his 2nd birthday." He said

"Wow..I was wondering why you came to me that day." she said 

"I just I wanted to know why I had that dream and when I took off your glasses and saw the girl from Florida standing in front of me I realized quickly that I had to make things right." he said as Bella had his finger. 

"But now." she said 

"But now I wouldn't have her any other way baby she's perfect." he said 

"Buck I have the implanon we can't get pregnant till she's 3." she said 

"I know that's fine with me baby. I rather not have them like you and Nicole." he said 

She laughed and said "Yeah people thought we were twins." 

That night Bella slept in between them and Bucky kept waking up every hour to make sure she was breathing. The next morning Ellie woke up and fed her as Bucky slept then he woke up and she said "You kept checking on her." 

"I know." he said 

"You are a natural at this for a first time dad." she said 

"You weren't around when Becca had the twins I helped Becca with Marley and Harley when Jordan ran off. Besides I also got a 100 on my fake baby." he said 

She smiled and said "You are incredible." 

"I'll go get breakfast started while you finish up with her." he said 

"Thanks." she said 

She looked down at her Bella and said "You brought your daddy back to me little Bella. And all it took was a summer fling." 

She burped her and then they went into the kitchen and she said "Daddy she's ready to be changed." 

He took her and said "Hey little doll baby let's get you changed you mama looking thing you. I can't wait to see if you have her dimples." as he went into the nursery. 

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