(21) Baby Girl Barnes

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On January 5th Ellie and Bucky were rushing from class to the hospital after her water broke in the middle of class and thankfully a class they had together. Within in an hour of being at the hospital she gave birth to a tiny blonde hair baby girl that they named Bellatrix Jade Barnes. 

After she fed her Bucky took her and said "My tiny princess. You are finally here big brother has his work cut out for him when you get a little older baby girl. You mama looking thing you I bet you even have her dimples when you start smiling." 

Ellie smiled and wiped tears. "You make my heart melt when you do this." she said 

"Do what?' he said

"Talk to them" she said

"You did the same thing with Liam. Maybe not like you just did with her but you did. You even called him a chunky butt." she said with a smile. 

"Well he was." Bucky said 

"I know that's why I had to have a c section with him." she said 

"Yeah yeah" he said 

Natasha and Steve kept Liam for them while they stayed in the hospital. While they were in the hospital they started to discuss Liam's 2nd birthday since that was coming up. Two weeks after she gave birth to Bella she was back on campus and she had Bella enrolled into the daycare with her brother. 

On Liam's 2nd birthday Bucky's parents and his sister and her family came down and Nicole flew in with her fiancée for his birthday. They did his second birthday in fire trucks since that was his favorite thing at the moment. Everyone was also very excited to finally be able to hold Bella who was now 2 months old. After they did Liam's cake Ellie brought out another cake and said "We can't forget that daddy is turning 20 today.. so happy birthday baby" 

"Baby.." he said as he kissed her.

She lit his candles and he closed his eyes and made a wish and blew out the candles. A few weeks later was their spring break and James and Winnie came back to do their birthday present with their grandson Liam and that was take him to Disney World in Florida. That gave Ellie and Bucky a little bit of a break of two kids since they only had Bella. They got caught up on a lot of sleep and took Bella to the park even though she was only 2 and half months old Bucky would hold her and swing with her or they would play in the sandbox with her. 

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