(23) The Gender Appointment

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Ellie stuck a sticky note on Bucky's driver side window that had "Appointment tomorrow at 945AM at Dr Sawyer's office" 

He got it after basketball practice and pulled it off then got into his truck. He let out a breathe and he whispered "God help me" as he pulled out of the student parking lot to go to work. Steve came up to him at work and said 'Are you ever going to tell us what's going on with you."

"no..' he said 

"Come on Bucky we have been friends since preschool" Sam said 

"Leave it alone guys seriously I don't have to tell you everything okay." Bucky said as he started re stock the parts on the wall. 

The phone rang in and Sam said "Barnes Auto Shop." 

Ellie rolled her eyes and said "Can I talk to Little Barnes please" 

"Buck phone is for you. Who calls you Little Barnes" Sam said 

Bucky sat the box that he had in his hand down and went over to the phone and said "Hello." 

"Buck my car won't start and I was suppose to be at work like 10 minutes ago." she said 

"Where are you?' he said 

"On the side of the road in front Mcdonalds." she said 

"I'll be right there." he said 

He grabbed the keys to the tow truck and said "Finish stocking the parts boys." and left. 

He found her and he said "Don't ever call me Little Barnes again when someone else answers the phone that is not funny anymore." 

"If I had said the boss man  they would have given me your dad." she said as he opened her hood. 

"First off your car is over heating and second off your battery died." he said 

"great' she said in a low tone as she looked down. 

"Ellie.." he said as he walked over to her and he went to lift her chin and she flinched. 

"Ellie.. what the hell why did you just flinch like that." he said 

"Just I already called into work just fix my car so I can go home." she said 

"Ellie Brooke.." he said 

He hooked her car up and then he opened the door for her to get in the tow truck passenger side. She was quiet and he made sure the boys were gone then pulled in and pushed her car into a spot. "I'll fix your car tomorrow after school I'll pick you up for the appointment." he said 

"But I have work tomorrow Bucky I need my car." she said 

"Ellie .. will you relax I'll drop you off at work on my way to work okay." he said 

"Now do you still live two streets over from me." he said as he locked up the shop. 

She swallowed hard and wiped tears and he said "Ellie.. darlin how am I suppose to take you home if you don't talk to me" 

"I um I live in um Asherwood Apartments." she said 

He looked at her confused and said "Those are two bedroom apartments and I know you have an older sister that still goes here and you two barely get along." 

She looked down and he said "Ellie.." 

"I'll just get an uber." she said

"No you won't." he said as he opened the passenger side door of his truck. 

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