(12) No Prom for Ellie

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A week after their conversation everyone was getting their prom proposals even her sister got asked. She watched around her and saw Bucky asking his girlfriend and she looked down then shut her locker. She wiped tears and went to the front office and checked herself out to go home. 

She went back to her locker and got her stuff out and started towards the student parking lot. "Ellie wait" Bucky said as he ran downstairs. 

She stopped and he came around and he said "Hey what's wrong."

"I'm just tired I just want to go home." she said 

"Ellie you are crying." he said 

"I'm tired Buck." she said then walked away. 

Bucky came by the book store since it was Monday and she was doing her homework. "Ellie.." he said as he walked in to find her asleep. 

"Ellie wake up.' He said 

She raised up and said "Bucky.." 

"Ellie you are sleeping at work on your homework." he said 

"I'm fine." she said 

Bella came in behind him and said "Hey Buck.. you ready? Sorry it took so long." 

"Yeah um just a minute go wait for me by the car." he said 

"Okay." Bella left. 

"Buck you should go I'll be fine. You all were shopping for prom stuff together." she said 

"Yeah.." he said 

"Sounds fun. I have to start closing up the mall closes soon." she said as she got off the stool and put her homework up and closed up the store and drove home. 

Two weeks later she was sitting at home with Liam since she had to get the night off cause Nicole was going to prom. Bucky looked all over the dance for her and didn't notice Nicole cause she dyed her hair dark brown. 

Bucky went by her work and didn't see her and he whispered "Where could she be if she's not at work and didn't go to prom.' 

Monday morning rolled around she pulled in after dropping off Liam at daycare. He came over to her and he said "Hey." 

She jumped and she said "Buck." as she turned around

"Eleanor Brooke you have bad dark circles." he said

"Thanks for telling me that I look like shit." she said 

"That's not what I meant. Where were you Saturday night." he said 

"I was at home with my son so my sister could go to prom cause she got asked." she said 

Bucky looked down and said "You were upset all last week cause nobody had asked you." 

"I'm not surprised nobody sees me. I'm just a nerd' she said as she walked away. 

All day everyone was passing around pictures of prom wouldn't shut up about it she had already had to put up with it at home. She went to the library during lunch and was working on her History paper. She fell asleep Bucky went to look for her when she didn't show up Geometry class. 

He found her sleeping in the library and he woke her up "Ellie you need to sleep more." he said

"I am sleeping. I just Liam still doesn't sleep through the night and I have to work." she said. 

"And you are a junior in highschool." he said 

"I know" as she pulled her stuff together and then she went to her locker and then got to her car. She went and picked up Liam dropped him off with  Nicole and then worked at the bookstore. 

The next night she was at home after school napping with Liam when she heard her facebook messenger ringtone. She whispered "Hello." 

"Hey um what are you doing" Bucky said 

"I'm napping with Liam." she said 

"Okay.. well as long as you are sleeping I was going to ask if you wanted to come over here and sleep and I take care of him but you sleep." he said 

"Okay.." She said 

"Ellie are you ever going to tell the dad." he said

"No I told you it was nothing special it was just a summer fling." she said half asleep. 

"Does he live far away or something." he said 

"Buck please stop okay." she said 

"I just think you should tell him I would want to know if it was me and I got some girl pregnant." he said 

"Buck please.." she said 

"Why are you so afraid?' he said

"I'm hanging up now and going back to sleep." she said as she hung up. 

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