(9) The Hurricane

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A few weeks after she learned the sex of her baby she was in her study hall period in the library. She was doing her English homework when the librarian said "Ms Cooper Coach Brown has sent down one of his players to take their chemistry  test and has asked for you to help them if they need it." 

"Okay who is it?' she said

"It's Bucky Barnes." the librarian said 

"Oh okay." she said 

Coach Brown came in with him and said "Ms Cooper thank you for helping."

"Yes sir." she said as she moved her bag. Bucky sit down beside her and he laid his stuff up on the desk. 

It had been storming all week cause of the hurricane that was getting close to hit them. The storms outside were getting worse as they were getting stronger. The librarian locked the doors and she said "You two get under the table when I tell you." 

"Yes ma'am" she said 

"I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back" the lady said then she went out the door. 

The lights started to flicker and then they heard the library doors lock and the sirens started going off. "ALL STUDENT GET UNDER A DESK" they heard being shouted into a intercom. 

Ellie bit her lip and they both got under the table then the electric cut out and all the could hear was the wind outside and her phone pinged and saw a text from her sister. She texted back to Nicole "In the library it's my study hall don't worry I'm not alone I had to help Barnes with his chemistry test." 

"Oh ok.. just wanted to make sure you were alright." Nicole said back. 

She crawled out and she went to go read somewhere away from Bucky since they don't get along. He looked down and he said "Cooper.." as he looked for her. Then he finally found her reading with her flashlight on her phone. 

He sat down and said "I'm pretty sure this isn't the safest place to be if the roof flies off and you being pregnant." 

She looked over at him and said "You wouldn't try and prevent the book shelf from falling on me." 

He looked down and said "Maybe." 

She laid down as he was starting move around in her. Bucky laid on his side beside her and said "I hope you aren't in labor cause I have no clue how to birth a baby I didn't pay attention in that sex education class." 

"Um no the baby is moving around." she said 

"So do you really not know who the daddy is" He said 

She rolled her eyes and said "I know who he is I wasn't suppose to get pregnant we used condoms but one broke." 

 "Have you told him." he said  

"No.. pretty sure he would be less than thrilled." she said as she looked away as tears formed. 

When a few stray tears fell she took off her glasses to wipe them and dry her eyes. 

"Ellie.. why won't you tell him? He deserves to know the truth as well. I mean if I got some girl I would want to know even if I wasn't with her." he said 

"Because it was a drunken summer hook up that ended before it began and so I'm here left with a baby boy growing in me at 17 and we don't even know each other's names. So it's not like I can go oh hey it's Ellie remember me." she said as she put her glasses back on. 

"You don't seem like the type that would have a hook up and that was your first time." he said 

"Maybe I got tired of being called cherry pie Barnes" she said as she got up and walked away. 

"Ellie.. wait" he said 

"I know it's you that starts most of the shit about me Bucky. You think you know me cause my dad and your dad work together and you don't know me at all. Yes I'm a book worm and I take AP classes and I already have early acceptance at UNC but I am a person with feelings and a lot of time it really fucking hurts to know that everyone loves to make fun of me. Or say oh look it's little cherry pie Cooper." she said 

"Ellie..I know I am an asshole you don't have to tell me that. Do you think that I don't see the tears or the fake smiles you give people. Or the fact that you hide in the library when you don't want to go to class." he said 

"Because I'm tired of being picked on or the jokes you and your friends make about me in front of the whole class like in the 8th grade during health class or freshmen year when you all couldn't get over how big my boobs were." she said as he grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"And my dad has made me apologize for it too." he said 

"But you keep doing it." she said as she looked up at him. 

"I know and I"m sorry for that too." he said 

She said "All I want is for the jokes to stop the rumors about me to stop I've never been a rumor and I turn up pregnant and now everyone is all in my business and I just want to go back to being invisble and raise my baby boy." as she walked away to hide again as the hurricane continued outside. 

He looked down and then went over to the librarian desk and got in her mini fridge and found some dr pepper in small bottles then opened the drawers and found a drawer full of junk food. He grabbed two bags of chips and a thing of reeses cup then went to find her again and he said "Here I knew that lady kept this all up there she never went to the vending machine." 

"Thank you" she whispered as she took a sip of the Dr Pepper. 

After they ate the food they sat in silence then the winds got stronger and she said "Buck I'm really scared." 

"Ellie breathe.." he said 

They started to hear car alarms and trees snapping outside their school and he said "Come on lets get back under the table." as he helped her up and they got back under the table. "Ellie breathe okay." 

"I'm trying but it sounds so scary ouside." she said 

He scooted closer to her and held her "Eleanor Brooke Cooper breathe you are pregnant and we are screwed if you have that baby early in here where we have no way of getting out of here or getting a hold of anyone till the hurricane passes." he said 

She started calm down some and she slowly fell asleep then he fell asleep. They both slept under the desk. Coach Brown came into the library to find them asleep once the doors were able to unlock and the back up generator started working.

"James Barnes Ellie Cooper you are free to go." Coach Brown said 

"Thank you." she said 

She got up and got her stuff and left. 

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