(10) Baby Cooper is Coming

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It was the morning of March 10th she was laying in bed counting her contractions as she heard Nicole get ready for school. Nicole came in and said "You okay Ellie?'

"No.. I'm in labor Nicole." she said 

"Oh god Dad's out of town on a business meeting." Nicole said 

She called the school and said "Hi this is Nicole Cooper I wanted to call and let you know that me and my sister Ellie Cooper aren't going to be at school. My sister is in labor and our dad is out of town." 

She helped her sister up and helped her get her shoes on then rushed her to the hospital and called her dad. Once Ellie got to the hospital and she was able to see the doctor she checked her and said "Okay Ms Cooper you are at a 5 and half and I'm going to go ahead and break your water." 

Once the doctor broke her water and that made the contractions worse. Meanwhile at school Bucky was in chemistry when the teacher started to do roll call and when she got to Ellie's name she said "I've already spoke with her sister and she won't be in." 

Bucky bit his lip cause ever since the night they shared in the library he's tried his best to be make jokes or pick on her. Once he was out of Chemistry he was at his locker and he was on his phone in his locker and looked up her face book. 

She checked in at the hospital at 830 that morning and put the caption with "Baby boy is coming a day early." 

He whispered "She's due in March." 

He closed her facebook page out and then headed to Geometry class. After school Bucky came up to the hospital and found her room. 

"Ellie.." he said 

"Bucky.. what are you doing here." She said through pain.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. You weren't at school then I saw your post." he said as he came over to her bed. 

"Yeah I'm fine just in a lot of pain. I chose to opt out for an epidural I came in this morning at a 5 and half dilation and they broke my water oh gosh..um I still don't have a name." she said 

"Ellie just breathe have you told the dad yet." he said

"No I still haven't told him. I told you that he's not going to be happy about it I'm far from the girl he goes for I've seen his exes." she said 

"Ellie.." Bucky said 

"Like you say I'm a nerd. He could never love me or be with me" she said 

"Are you here by yourself? Please tell me that you didn't drive here alone." he said 

"oh no.. my sister Nicole brought me my dad is out of town." she said 

"Um well I have to go cause I have plans it's my birthday but um I will try and come by later and hopefully you will have him. But as far as the name thing goes James is always a good name to go with." he said 

"Thank you." she said 

An hour later she started to scream and the doctor came in and said "You are starting crown Ms Cooper." 

Nicole came over to her sister and helped the nurse and she kept pushing and finally the doctor said "Ms Cooper he's stuck in your birth canal we have been pushing for 10 minutes. We are going to go ahead and get you prepped for a c section." 

"Okay." Ellie said 

Nicole sat at her sister's head as the doctor performed the c section. Meanwhile Bucky came back and he said "Hi I'm looking for Ellie Cooper she's a friend of mine." 

The nurse looked her up and then she said "You can wait in the waiting room they had the do a emergency c section." 

"Okay thank you." Bucky said 

After 10 minutes they took her to her room and the baby to the nursery. The nurse came in the waiting room and told him her room number but to give her 15 minutes. Nicole left to get her sister some food and the nurse brought in the baby. She looked down at him and saw that he had dark hair and blue eyes. She wiped tears and said "Liam James Cooper." as Bucky came in the room. 

"I like that name it's a good name." he said

She looked up at him and she said "You came back." 

"I did. I came while you were still in surgery are you okay?' he said 

"He was stuck he was 9lbs." she said 

"Wow.." he said 

"Do you want to hold him?' she said 

"Yeah sure." he said 

She handed Liam to him and he held him and he said "Well he's adorable for a little chunky guy." 

Ellie smiled and said "Thank you." 

"He has your nose." He said 

"Yeah but he has big ocean blue eyes and dark hair." she said 

He gave Liam back to her and he said "Um where's your sister." 

"Oh she went to get me food cause I'm starving." she said 

"Well I better go um I'm glad that you are okay and he's okay" he said 

Meanwhile in the hallway was Nicole holding their taco bell when she heard Bucky she stayed out in hallway. 

"Thanks Bucky." she said

"Welcome Ellie I'll see you later." he said 

"Yeah see you later." she said then he left with out  seeing Nicole.

Nicole came in and said "Two visits in one day."

"Yeah well ever since we got locked in the library together and I let it b e known that I was tired of being the but of the jokes he's tried his best to not be an ass to me." she said as Nicole held her nephew.

"Liam James Cooper." Ellie said 

"I love it." Nicole said. 

A few days later she got to go home. 

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