Theory #26 Rey Part 2

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~ One ~
Some people say that Rey and Ben/ Kylo were connected because they were related. But while being related can cause a connection in the Force (Luke and Darth Vader, Luke and Leia, Leia and Ben) it is not the only cause of a Force connection. Yoda and Count Dooku were connected as master and apprentice, as were Obi Wan and Qui Gon, and even Obi Wan and Anakin.

They are connected  because the Force is attempting to bring balance through them

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They are connected because the Force is attempting to bring balance through them.

~ Two~
When Rey went into the Dark Side hole on the island, she asked the mirror to show her parents and it did. But they were no one. The reason Rey couldn't see who they truly were was because she was unwilling to accept the truth. It is a truth that she had been running from most of her life.

~ Three ~
Ben saw her parents when they touched hands. "They were filthy junk traders who sold you for drinking money."
Some people say that he was lying. But I highly disagree. Kylo Ren may be evil, but he has never lied to Rey.
Some people say that he was lying when he told the story about Luke and how he turned to the Dark Side. But I say that he was telling the truth, from his point of view.
"You will find that all truth relies upon a certain point of view." Obi Wan Kenobi.
From his point of view, his uncle was trying to kill him in his sleep. He would not have noticed Luke's hesitation, and even if he hesitated he still had the lightsaber ignited, so from Ben's point of view he was still in danger. (I will talk about this more in another chapter)

So if he had never lied to her before, why would he lie to her then?

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So if he had never lied to her before, why would he lie to her then?

~ Four ~
I recently saw a video that said, "Why are we taking Kylo Ren's word about who Rey's parents were?" They went on to say: "of course Rey would agree with him, because she's insecure."
Well, if you still don't believe that Kylo Ren wouldn't lie to Rey, especially about her parents, and you don't want to take Kylo Ren's word then take Rey's:

" Well, if you still don't believe that Kylo Ren wouldn't lie to Rey, especially about her parents, and you don't want to take Kylo Ren's word then take Rey's:

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"Do you want to know the truth about your parents, or have you always known?" Kylo Ren asked her. "You know the truth."
"They were nobodies." She replied, crying.
Then Kylo Ren went on to say that they were junk traders.
Rey was the first to say that her parents were nobodies, so how could she be "just agreeing with him because she's insecure" if she was the one who said "they were nobodies" first. He was agreeing with her, not the other way around!
And if you don't believe Kylo Ren when he said that Rey already knew the truth about her parents, then believe Maz. "Dear child, I see your eyes, you already know the truth, whoever you're waiting for on Jakku they're never coming back."
If you still believe that Kylo Ren was lying then tell me what cause Maz would have to lye to Rey?

~ Five ~
Some people say that Kylo Ren was lying and that Rey was actually Luke's daughter, or Han and Leia's daughter.
Remember Kylo/ Ben's goal in that moment was to get Rey to join him.

And he was willing to do almost anything (accept join her, the Light Side, and the Resistance) to get her to join him

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And he was willing to do almost anything (accept join her, the Light Side, and the Resistance) to get her to join him. If he wanted her on his side and she was his sister/ cousin why wouldn't he say something like "You have been looking for your family, I am your family."
I'm sure that someone is thinking that he wouldn't want to tell Rey that Han was her father because he killed him and then she would know that he killed her father. And my response to that would be that Han was the closest thing she had ever had to a father, so she already felt like he had killed her father, knowing that he was her father wouldn't change how she felt about it, because she loved Han like a father and in my opinion blood does not make a family, love makes a family. Secondly, Ben knew that she had already forgiven him for killing his father, because if she hadn't she wouldn't have came there to save him.

So he would gain nothing by lying

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So he would gain nothing by lying.
And if he was going to lye, why wouldn't he tell her a lye that would actually benefit him. Rey was looking for her place, her destiny. Ben / Kylo knew this, if he was going to lye to her than he probably would have told her that her parents were on the Dark Side, and that it was her destiny to do the same.

~ Six ~
Another thing to consider:
The truth about Luke's parents was revealed by one of the "villains," Darth Vader, and he was telling the truth. So we can believe that Kylo Ren was also telling the truth.

~ Seven ~
When Kylo/Ben said: "your parents threw you away like garbage." He seemed both sorry for Rey, and angry at her parents not only for abandoning her, but even worse for selling her for drinking money.
Why would he be so angry with her parents, if he was lying.
Honestly I think that if her parents were still alive he probably would have hunted them down and made them pay for what they did to Rey.

~ Eight ~
This is what Rian Johnson said about Rey's parents:

~ Eight ~ This is what Rian Johnson said about Rey's parents:

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This chapter will be continued in Rey part 3

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