My Reaction To The Rise Of Skywalker (SPOILERS!)

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If you haven't seen the Rise Of Skywalker , don't read this! repeat DON'T READ THIS!!!

This is my thoughts about the WHOLE (or most of) the movie! MAJOR SPOILERS!

If you haven't seen the movie: Read at your own risk


So this was my first time watching a Star Wars movie in theaters.... EVER! So even if the movie was terrible, it would have been an awesome experience!

This is definitely tied for the best movie I've ever seen in a theatre (which isn't many) but my childhood Narnia heart still has to keep the lion, the witch and the wardrobe tied with this one.

Now, enough of my movie theater record, and on to the movie itself.

The title & crawl

(Okay sorry I do have to say that seeing that on the big screen for the first time was absolutely amazing!)

That was probably one of the most exciting crawls, along with A New Hope which fills me with tears for our beloved Rogue One characters.

The part of the crawl that was a real 😱 moment for me was when it said that Kylo Ren(Ben) was looking for Palpatine to destroy him: 🤯🤯🤯🤯 (it blew my mind even though I kind of saw it coming)

The opening scene

The opening scene was completely epic and actually my favorite Star Wars opening ever, but that's probably because Ben's my favorite character.... actually I think The Revenge Of The Sith was slightly better, but it was very close.

The scene when Kylo/ Ben meets Palpatine

This line was mind blowing: "I have been every voice inside your mind."
This was actually very important to Ben's redemption in my opinion, especially to the more oblivious fans.

The scene when Rey was being trained

The scene of Rey floating with the rocks was EPIC!

I loved how Leia was training Rey and I was surprised by how many Leia scenes that we got!

There are really too many scenes to mention during that part. I do want to say that I thought that the scene of Kylo/Ben with Darth Vader's helmet was really interesting.

(Okay this movie was so long & so much was going on I'm starting to forget the order, sorry, it's going to have to be random from here)

Rey and Ben's first force connection

A year has passed and she didn't seem at all surprised by his sudden appearance, which means that their bond most likely never ended, and I suspect that the connections was very conflicted, but probably not quite as often or deep as in The Last Jedi, being on Ach-To which had a strong connection to the Force and most likely strengthened their bond.
However, it seems that over the course of a year, their bond had strengthened to the point that they could touch, fight and even take an object from the other without it disappearing.

Also most of the first order must have known about their connection, otherwise explaining where he got the necklace from, would have been difficult.

I really loved Rey's line: "I can see through the cracks in your mask. You're haunted by the death of your father." (Might not be the exact line)

The scene when they sunk in the sinking field.

That scene really surprised me, I especially loved the part when Rey healed the creature

The concept of the dagger was really cool to me (though I thought they could have done something slightly cooler with it like it was the only weapon that could truly kill Palpatine. Though I think the way they defeated him was pretty cool, but I'm getting ahead of myself)

The scene in the desert when they were trying to escape

The scene when Rey destroyed Kylo's tie silencer was awesome! I would really like to know how Ben just walked out of the fire without getting burnt. (Of course his helmet probably protected him.)

During the scene when Rey and Ben were trying to pull the transport in two different directions, I thought it was going to be a repeat of the scene with the lightsaber in The Last Jedi.
But when Rey accidentally used force lightening, I was really surprised.
For a moment I actually thought that she accidentally killed Chewie. And I loved how horrified Ben seemed when she screamed his name.

The scene on the planet where they met Zorii (sorry I don't remember the name of it, I usually have to watch a movie twice to get the full picture)

Zorii was a cool character, I really liked Poe & Kaydel, but Poe & Zorii were really cute so I ship them now (sorry Winter Wolf)

The line that C3PO said "taking one last look... at my friends," was really touching, I was kind of hoping that he was making more of a willing sacrifice, not in his character but it would have been good character development especially for "the last movie" (we've heard that before)

When Rey, Finn and Poe went to rescue Chewbacca

The part when Rey told the stormtroopers that it was okay that they were there, and Finn and Poe were wondering if she had been doing that to them, was hilarious 😂

When Rey went after the dagger I had several theories:
~ I thought it could be calling her, pulling her to the Dark Side, something like The Ring Of Power
~ as I mentioned earlier, I thought that the dagger might have some kind of power, and might be the only way to defeat Palpatine.
(Both of which were wrong)

I thought the scene when Rey saw Darth Vader's helmet was cool, if I was writing it I would have put some kind of really cool Force vision there , maybe the scene when Anakin "killed" Palpatine to save Luke, I think that it would have been fitting. Plus I just love Force visions/dreams, I'm kind of obsessed with them.
Of course if I was writing it, they would have probably had to split it into two three hour movies.

The force connection was cool, I noticed JJ's style of doing the Force connection was different from Rian's I liked both styles and I like they both fit the circumstances.

During the force connection he said that he had never lied to her, which I've always believed. But the force only showed him a portion of the story. He saw who parents were, but he didn't see who her grandfather was. He saw them sell her, but he didn't see why, and it made him made with good reason. He thought they were just abandoning her for money not to save her.

There was a really cool battle between Rey and Kylo in that scene too.

This chapter is a little long, so I'm going to continue this in the following chapter.

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