The dreamercatcher

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Once upon a time there was a boy. A special boy because he had powers nobody could ever dream about. He had the ability to let people sleep, only by snapping his fingers. He could also control the dream or turn it into a never ending nightmare. There was a prophecy that whenever his true love kissed him, the boy would lose his powers. Many tried but they all fell asleep and had horrible nightmares. Until one girl tried, she was fearless so she couldn't be trapped nightmare. She needed the true loves kiss just as much as the boy, because she was cursed. And cruel curse it was. Every time when the full moon raise she would turn into a creature. A creature everyone feared. It looked like a bear, a wolf and a dragon. it had the size of an elephant, and made the sound of a lion. It ate humans and terrorized villages. the most awful thing was the girl couldn't control it. every morning when she woke up she remembered everything from the night. But she couldn't do anything about it. So when the girl came to the boys castle, which he stole from the king who he had put asleep. She shouted: 'come and fight me, we'll do a thinking game!' So the boy ran to her and told her the rules, they would both come up with a riddle and if they guessed the answer to the other ones riddle they would get a prize. The girl said if I win I get to kiss you, but if you win you own me and I will be your servant in this house. The boy agreed. So that night the girl came up with the best riddle and she knew that the boy would never guess the answer. That morning they met, both with a really great riddle. The boys riddle was: what starts the mountain with 4 legs, in the middle it only needs 2 and at the end it needs 3. The girl smiled and said: that's a human, at the begin of its life it crawls in the middle it stands on 2 feet and at the end it needs a stick to keep it steady. I admire your thinking skills girl now it's time for your riddle. Prepare boy said the girl because you will never guess the answer. Imagine if you had a ball which way would you throw it so it could return the same way, it can't touch anything but air. The boy started thinking but couldn't find the answer. You're a smart girl, I like that. I can't think of an answer so tell me and you can kiss me. The girl walked towards him and said the way is up. And she kissed him. Both curses where lifted and everyone in the kingdom woke up. They moved to a shack in the woods and lived happily ever after.

(A.N.) I told you this one was going to be a bit bigger. I hope you enjoyed it.

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