In the land of the blind...

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Once upon a time there existed a land where all people were blind. That's because a long time ago a witch cursed the people for being ungrateful and rude when she always offered her time to make potions for others. The only way to get their sight back was to sacrifice the king and queen. Off course the king and queen hid in the woods. These where the only people with some sight. The queen became pregnant with a baby girl. The girl had magical powers to heal and so she kept her father and mother alive. One day when she was playing to far from her little house she met a red haired boy. The boy had a cut on his arm and some bruises all over his body. The princess didn't pauze and healed him but she also restored his sight. The boy told her that his parents were beating him up and that he couldn't go home anymore. The little princess took him with her to her house. The parents were shocked to find someone with sight and asked their daughter about it. The girl explained and when it was night and everyone was asleep they went to a village and restored everyone's sight. The people where so happy and curious to find out what happened that some of them went to visit other towns. What they didn't know was that they where the only ones who weren't blind anymore. The king and queen moved back to the castle hoping no one would notice. But people did, they send the people who weren't blind to catch them. The girl and boy weren't of use so they let them live to be the next king and queen. The old king and queen were burned alive. The little girl snapped and send her soldiers to burn every town in the land to the ground. Turned out there was an other girl who lived in the castle, she was about the queens age and they became great friends. Eventually the queen became pregnant of twins, melody and harmony because the land was finally in peace. The friend fell in love with a guard and they got twin boys. Not many people lived but it is better this way because now there weren't any ungrateful or blind people in the whole land. And everyone who lived, lived an unforgettable life.

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