Seven isn't a lucky number

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Once upon a time there was this boy. very curious, very smart. He was the hottest boy in town, but he didn't care. He would rather read books and go on adventures than hang out with girls. One day he went so far from home, he couldn't get home before dark. He realized he needed to find shelter before it went dark. He searched for a few minutes. When he found a cabin. He knocked on the door and asked if there was anyone home. He heard a voice, not very loud but it was there. voice said: 'yes, I'm home.' He saw a girl barely alive and he used all his knowledge to save her. She got better and the boy stayed for a week. Then he realized that his mother was waiting for him. He took the girl with him, and together they went back to the village. When they arrived the mother said: 'she's very pretty, who is she?' The boy said: 'well I haven't asked her yet but I hope she'll marry me.' The girl shouted louder than anyone they had ever hear scream: 'yes!' A few months later they found out that the girl was pregnant, of seven children. It all went well but when the girl had to start pushing, all the electricity in the whole world went off. The people thought it was strange but they didn't do much about it. The girl knew better she actually was a witch, but the first law at their group of witches was to never get pregnant with someone normal. There was a prophecy that once a witch would have seven children, on the seventh of the seven month from normal boy. And those children would end the world. she didn't want anyone to find out so she kept her mouth shut. Unfortunately she passed away after giving birth to her seventh child. When the children were eight they were showing magic signs the boy didn't want anything to do with it so he killed himself. the children became in the custody of their grandmother. The children were actually very happy because their whole life their father blamed them for the death of their mother. Thirty years later, the grandmother was killed. The children wanted revenge and looked for the one responsible for the murder. Turned out the killer actually jumped off a bridge. The seventh child was so angry she cursed the sun. The sun went out and it got so cold no one survived.

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