Ghost ship

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Once upon a time there was this ship. The ship sailed along the world to deliver famous treasures to kings and queens. The ship was well known and had a main crew. In the begin of their journey they had to sign a contract saying that they will not leave the ship until they died. One day they had to deliver a golden sword on the other side of the ocean. There were stories that monsters lived in the ocean, because when people try to pass they hardly ever return. And of course the ship sailed across the ocean. The captain, well he wasn't afraid infect he wasn't a he but what the crew didn't know, didn't concern them. The captain had her friend travel along her who actually knew that she was a woman. He fell in love with her and she did the same. And a few weeks later the captain became pregnant obviously that meant that she had to tell the crew. She was so nervous but the crew was actually cool with it. They said that they would give their life for the captain and that that would mean that they would also for the baby. It turned out to be a boy. The boy was quite gifted and he learned a lot from the crew. He also was a handsome young lad and when they came to land girls would throw themselves at his feet. When the boy was about 17 years old both of the parents were killed. He was so angry that he wanted revenge. They didn't have a home just a purpose and a plan. Because they didn't have a home they got supplies by stealing. They once robbed a bank by just using a red flag and a black siren don't ask me how but they did it. The ship went around the world to find the killer and eventually they found him. Apparently the killer needed their hearts to bring his friends back to life, didn't work. But the man said that if the boy killed him he and his crew would spend the rest of their lives on that ship and if they set foot on land they would vanish to the underworld. The boy said: 'ah well I'm prepared to take the odds.' And so he stabbed him. The boy and his crew got back on the ship and they needed supplies. The captain stayed behind because he was sick and indeed the crew vanished. The ship lay there for a few days and a girl came to check it out. Found the boy and cared for him until he was better. The boy couldn't come to land so the girl got him food and water everyday. They fell in love but the boy, now a man was deeply depressed and so he drowned himself. The girl found out that she was with child and tried to find her partner but it was too late to save him and she jumped after him. The three of them all died that day.

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