Lies hurt. Don't they?

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Once upon a time there was a girl she loved to read and she loved school. She was very popular so everyone knew her, and her life was perfect. One day a close friend became jealous, very jealous. The friend told lies about the girl and everyone believed them. She tried everything to fix it, but nobody believed her. All her friends left her even her boy best friend on whom she had a crush on. the girl went silent in class and she didn't speak to anyone anymore. Her old friend told more lies and the girl never felt so alone. Everyone laughed at her if she did something wrong. Shit was so fucked up, she jumped off a bridge and died. Nobody cared about the death of the girl. So obviously she wasn't even buried, just left on the bottom of the river. Later turned out that the crush liked her back but was to afraid to stand out. He jumped of the very same bridge to be with her.

(A.N.) this story was made by someone who I thought was my friend. But this story was too good not to publish it.

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