Black siren

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Once upon a time there was an underwater kingdom. The king and queen have been trying a while to get a baby mermaid, but they had no luck. Until the queen found out she was pregnant. The royal family was very loved but it had some powerful enemies. So for her own safety the queen was led to an island with a big lake where no one could come but the royal family because they had the ability to walk on land. So when the queen went into labor, they found out it was twins, a baby boy and girl. They named the boy Aequor and the girl Thalassa. And now the queen could return to the underwater kingdom. On the kids 10 birthday they were playing to close to the shore. They didn't see the boat that was coming. The queen swam as hard as she could to save her children but could only save the girl. The boy was shredded by the engine. A few years later when the princess was 16, her mother was killed by divers. Now the princess was so sad and angry her tail went black. She wanted revenge. So she took her fathers trident and gave herself powers, to control the water in the sea. She made a water tentacle. The water tentacle looked like water but actually it was very alive. It made ships sink and drowned people. The princess enjoyed watching those ships sink. The king was very sad that he had lost a son and his wife and op top of it all his daughter went bad. He had every available guard looking for the princess, but they couldn't find her because she hid in caves and close to routes of ships. The guards weren't allowed to come there. So the rest of her life she sunk ships and drowned people. Until one day when the weather was so bad the mermaid wasn't able to control the water and she was captured. Later that very same day she was killed and turned into stone, under the name black siren. Stories say she still hunts ships in the ocean, but we never know for sure.

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