Innocent Bean X Flirty Green

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(EddTord smut and in this one Tom is shorter than Edd. And I'm now okay with swearing cuz before I wasn't)
Tord's pov
Tom was holding my hand making sure that nobody did anything to me on the first day. He's like..... My Dad (This ew time his Dad is caring and he calls him Dad not Father). Always making sure that I'm okay and careful except Tom is more overprotective. "Hey there you cute lil thing~" I turned around to see a tall guy wearing a green jacket with a white shirt and jeans. "Edd, leave him alone" Tom said gritting his teeth. "Oh, my bad, I forgot to say hello to you to Thomas" Edd said well I think that was his name. "So, what's your name button~?" I blushed. "Um uh...." I mumbled. "Heh nervous ey~? Cute~" Edd said smirking. "We are going to go now" Tom said taking me away. "Tom? Why didn't you let me talk to him?" I asked. "He's the bully of the school. He manipulates people into liking them then strikes them when least expected" I shuddered at his words. He's bad? Hmmmmmm but he didn't seem that bad......


Edd's pov
I couldn't stop thinking about that boy. He's so adorable~. Thomas probably likes him that's why he took him away. I hope to see that cute boy again. The bell rang so I grabbed my stuff and left the room. I saw the boy again and approached him. "Hey there cutesy~" He turned around and blushed. "Um H-hello..." I walked closer to him. "You don't have to be shy~" "O-okay.... Are you going to hurt me?" He questioned fearfully. I smiled. "Of course not~why would I hurt someone as cute as you~?" He blushed again. "Back away from him Edd"I chuckled and turned around raising my hands up as defence. "Hello Tom" I smiled. "Step away from Tord" He glares at me. "Okay, okay" I walked away.

Tom's pov
I don't want Edd anywhere near my Tordy. He's hurt so many people and I don't want Tord to be a victim. I held Tord close to me glaring while I watched Edd walk away with a smirk. That disgusting smirk. "Tom?.... TOM....TOM!" I blinked and looked at Tord. "What?" "Edd doesn't seem like a bad person you know...." I shook my head. "No. He is. He's the most terrible person you could ever meet" I stated. "Okay...." he looked away. Why is he acting so weird?

3rd person pov
Later in the year, Edd secretly talked with Tord behind Tom's back. Tord felt bad that he was hanging out with Edd and Tom didn't want that but another part of him was happy. They both had feelings for each other but refused to tell. Tonight was the school dance. Tord had no idea what to wear so he picked out a (Insert a dress of your choice) and he thought it looked nice. He put it on and washed his face. "Time to go...." He said walking outside. Tord's Dad was waiting in the car. He opened the door and sat in the passenger seat putting his seatbelt on. "Let's go!" Tord's Dad said smiling. "Okay, just hurry up!" Tord said impatiently. "Excited?" Tord's Dad asked. Tordle nodded and looked away.

Edd's pov
I was inside the dance leaning against the wall. Is Tord going to come along? Or is he staying? I really want to see him. I wonder what he's going to wear~. I sighed and closed my eyes. I heard a familiar Norwegian voice and opened my eyes. I saw the one and only Tord. He looked really adorable and beautiful. I blushed smirking. I walked towards him. "Hello Beauty~" Tord turned around and smiled. "Hey Edd!" He yelled blushing lightly. "So, how's your evening been?" Tord just giggled. "I just arrived Edd" I blushed in embarrassment. "Yeah, yeah anyways, may I have this dance?" He blushed more. "S-Sure..." I held his hand and waist while he held my hand as well wrapping his arm around my neck. We danced for a while and talked. This feeling is really nic-. "HEY!"

Tord's pov
My eyes widened as I saw Tom glaring at us. I pulled away from Edd and looked away. "Oh hello Tom" Edd said glaring back. "I thought I told you to stay away you gross fuck" Tom hissed. "T-Tom....." I sad calmly. And of course he ignores me. Tom ran up to Edd and threw a punch at him hitting him hard. "TOM!" I yelled. Everyone turns around and watched some even chanting 'Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!'. I ran to Edd. "Y-You okay??" he just chuckled making me shiver. "Oh, you are so going to get it" Edd punched Tom making him groan. Edd was about to hit him again but I ran in front. Thud. I fell to the ground. I had a bruise on my eye. I saw Edd covering his mouth. "I-I'm so sorry Tord.... I should've j-just left..." He ran away tears in his eyes.

Tom's pov
I helped Tord up. "You okay-" "Why'd you start the fight Tom?" I froze. "He's evil, manipulative and overall a terrible person" I said. Slap. I held my cheek. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TOM?! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM WITH EDD?!" I looked at Tord who had tears. "I just tried to protect you...." I mumbled. "REALLY?! DID YOU EVER CONSIDER HOW I FELT?! DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT WHAT I WANTED TO DO?!" I glared back. "Of course I did" He just huffed. "Tell me how" I gulped and stayed silent. Tord looked at me with disappointment. "That's what I thought....... Thomas" I shivered as Tord walked off.

Edd's pov
I held myself crying. I love Tord and I knew I can't get him. But I tried..... And I hurt him. Badly. "Ughhhhh. You're such a dumbass" I mumbled. "No you aren't" I looked up and saw Tord. "T-Tord!" I backed up and yelled. "D-Don't come C-close!" Tord sighed and didn't listen to me, walking closer. "ARE YOU DEAF?!" I yelled tears flowing down. I felt arms wrap around me. "Shhhhhhhhh. It's alright Edd..." I sobbed. "W-why are so nice?" "Because, you're sad" He said. I stopped crying as my cheeks turned a light red. "T-Thank you T-Tord...."

Tord's pov
Soon Edd wanted to go home and invited me to his house which I said yes too. He told me that his parents were on a trip for work. So he was alone. I walked into his room. It was huge! "Wow Edd, this place is giant!"I yelled at the top of my lungs. Edd just chuckled. "Come sit down" he said smiling. I sat on Edd's lap. "Tord! T-That's not what I M-meant.." He blushed mumbling. I felt something poke me.
I was very confused. "Edd? I feel something poking me" He blushed and looked away. I sat up and saw a dent in his pants. I blushed remembering learning about puberty. "E-Edd um y-your pants" I looked away closing my eyes but I felt someone pushing me as I hit my back on the wall. I opened my eyes seeing Edd pinning me. "Edd...." He put his hand up my dress rubbing my thighs causing me to moan. "Ah~w-what are you d-doing?" I said. "I love you Tord" I blushed but soften my eyes. "I Love you too-ah~!!" He started rubbing my member. "Please let me do this Tord" I nodded. As he kissed me. I kissed back feeling his tongue lick my lips. I opened my mouth as he explored everywhere. I felt his hands pump faster. "Ahhhh~" I moaned. Edd went at my neck. Covering it with Hickeys. He was still pumping me but also taking my clothes off. I felt close. "E-Edd I-I-!!" I came onto his hand. I felt my breath shallow. "Already came huh?" I blushed and looked to the side. "I have to strip don't I~?" Edd said smirking. He took off his suit as I Looked at how large his member was. "Like what you see~?" he said. "That can't fit!" I mumbled. "Oh it will~. Do you want me to prep you?" he asked. I nodded. Edd shoved two fingers into me. I hissed at the pain. He started moving in and out and the pain went away. "Uhhhh~hngh~" I moaned. Edd shoved it in and out as I moaned louder. He pulled out as I whined but quickly shoved his member in. "Anh~!!" I moaned. Edd clearly heard that I wasn't in pain so thruster in and out quickly. "F-Fuck you are S-so good~" he groaned.

Edd's pov
I thruster in and out. His Moans filled the air. "Agh~! M-more~!!" I rammed inside of him hitting his G-spot making him go crazy. "AAAAAHHH~!!! RIGHT THERE~!! OH MY G-GOD!!" I groaned. "So t-tight..." I rubbed Tord's member as he came as soon as I touches it. But I wasn't even close. I rammed harder and harder. "E-EDD TOO M-MUCH~!" He came again moaning. "AHHHHHHH~AAHHH~!!!!" "I'm close baby~" I said. I came inside and once again he came. I pulled out as I flopped onto the bed. Tord Snuggled close to me. Then we fell asleep.

(Wow I got so lazy at the end ;-;)

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