Seductive Girlfriend

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(Got the idea from another person so this isn't a original idea, I got it from someone else so credit them. Also this is Tamtori smut hehehhehehe TomTord is in it)
Here's an explanation of the groups:
Jocks: They are the king of sports. Very athletic, adored by the popular and were tough as fuck. They had girls and boys which made the group even bigger. Majority of them (Mainly the boys but the girls did too) fucked both guys and girls. Tamara Ride or Tam was the leader of the group. She didn't give a shit about learning or studying. She didn't really fuck guys (Yes girls can do that to guys with *Cough* Toys) but more like girls. But that was her secret.

Popular: The popular. They were bitches, sluts and sassy motherfuckers. Everyone adored them. They were also rich. They aren't fans of work but still did it. Their leader Matilda Hease (Pronounced heese and people don't get it right) is not bitch or slutty just sassy and narcissistic. She doesn't get flirted at much but she's happy with that.

Normal: Just every day people. They do work and do what fucking normal people which I don't know what they do. Also why are you reading this one? I mean if you want to you can but it's kinda pointless and I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

Nerds: They don't socialise much but are very peaceful. Tori Lars is in this group, a huge book worm they say. She often keeps herself away from society. She doesn't mind a small talk and often just talks to her two friends. Though she can be very violent when she's mad but Hides it.

Artists: The artists are really friendly and love talking. They love doodling in their books even if they get into trouble. (Haha me-) Ell Goul (Pronounced ghoul everyone gets it wrong which confuses her since it's easy to pronounce) is a big artist and is super kind. She loves talking with her friends and sometimes helps Tori to talk to others but fails.

(Now on with le story-)
Tori's pov
It was a nice morning- "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD" I landed on the floor. "God dammit Tord!" I yelled annoyed at my older brother. He's a year older than me. Tord just chuckled. He's so annoying. But you know he's my brother and I love him. My Mom said that we look so identical. We both have horns, caramel coloured hair, grey eyes and the most shocking thing of all.... Curvy body. It's not bad for me but for my brother?! It's odd. I don't really mind it at all but the guys at school try to fuck him but Tord doesn't hesitate to pull out a gun. So everyone try's to avoid him besides his crush. Thomas Ride or Tom. Tord is dating Tom which I find cute. I have a crush but it's not big so it doesn't really matter. Anyways, Tord ran down stairs since he already got dressed. I decided to dress myself so I did. I finished tying my ribbon and headed downstairs. I saw Tom and Tord kissing but what made me look away was the fact that Tamara or Tom's sister was there! My face became red and I saw that she was at me smirking. "Hello Tori" She said still smirking. I looked at her slightly blushing still. "H-Hey. .." Tord gasped. "WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!! COME ON LET'S GO NOW" I giggled and grabbed my stuff and we ran to the bus stop hoping we wouldn't miss the bus. Luckily we made it there before the bus came. I climbed onto the bus finding a spot rather quickly.


Tord's pov
I got off the bus with Tommy and we headed to our lockers which were luckily next to each other. Guys kept on calling at me saying "Dump that dude and come with me~" or "Lookin' good hotty~" it was fucking disgusting but thankfully Tom one punched them (Hehehehehe get it? O okay-) or threatened them. He's my sweet hero. I opened my locker and took out the books I needed. "Okay I gotta go Tordy. See you soon~" Tom cooed at me. I smile and pecked his cheek but I had to stand on my tippy toes. "Bye!" I said as we went to the opposite ways.

Tori's pov
It was boring studying even if you are perfect at it. I mean I'm okay but it sucks. The bell rang for lunch and I stood up grabbing my books. As I was walking I got pinned to the wall. There stood the. Most disgusting human being there. "Hello Sweet buns~" I looked to the side. "Josh stop it with this shit okay? I'm sick of you calling me these names" He just scoffed. "Well why don't ya hang out with me instead~? Somethings waiting for ya~" I shivered. "Ey! Josh leave her alone!" I heard my crush yell. "Awww c'mon Tammy~" Josh chuckled. "Back. The. Fuck. Up" I blushed. She was protecting me. "How about no" He smirked. She did all little growl and sucker punched him causing him to fall on the ground unconscious. "You alright Tori?" I nodded slightly. Tammy gave me a warm smile. I stood up properly and smiled back. I swear to God that I saw her blush light pink. I. Swear. "Well um wanna sit next to me at lunch?" Tammy asked. "Yeah, sure!" I said. She held my hand securely which made me blush. We entered the cafeteria and (Let's pretend that they have vending machines with snacks and drinks kay?) we sat down with the jock group. But I felt really out of order if you know what I mean. So I decided to get up and get a drink from the vending machine. The weird thing about our vending machine is that we grab a token from a plastic box and use it to get drinks. Weird right? After that the janitors collect the tokens after the day ends. Anyways I headed over there and grabbed a token to get a (SpRiTe CrAnBeRrY) sprite. I don't know why I like it. I got pinned once again by Josh who some how recovered. He did something else worse which I wished wouldn't have done. Josh grabbed my butt and grinded against it. I blushed madly. "J-JOSH STOP!" I screamed alerting everyone but all they did was chant. "I'm gonna fuck you right here~" Tears fell down my face as I screamed. "STOP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I cried but everyone laughed saying things like "No! Don't stop hahahha" or "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" I felt him grind harder. "C'mon~Moan for me bab-" SLAM! I suddenly got released and I looked where Josh was and he was on the floor blood trickling down his head. I heard a growl and instantly knew who it was. "No that piece of shit is taken care of" Tammy said a tint of pink was highlighted in her eyes. (10/10 makes sense) Everyone gasped. She turned to them and shouted making me flinch. "HOW DARE YOU ALL SUPPORT THAT TWISTED FUCK! I'M SO DISAPPOINTED IN ALL OF YOU, YOU PATHETIC BYSTANDERS!" They all went silent some murmuring 'Sorry' but I knew they weren't sorry. They walked away and I felt arms wrap around me. "OMG TORI I WAS SO WORRIED!!! I WAS FINISHING AN ART PIECE AND DIDN'T HEAR WHAT WAS GOING ON!! I'M SO SORRY!!" I shook my head and said. "It's okay Ell...... Where's Matild-" "TORIIIIIIIIIIIII" Shit. I got picked up by a very scared Matilda. "WHAT HAPPENED?! YOU OKAY?! TORI ANSWER ME- oh? Who are you?" She asked pointing to Tammy. "Names Tamara Ride or Tammy ride... Nice to see you Matilda Hease" Tammy said politely. Matilda just glared. "Where YOU the one that attacked Tori???" She spat. "Nononono. Matilda. She helped me" I Chuckled nervously. Her face went red. "Oh sorry"

Tammy's pov
"It's alright Matilda? It's Matilda right?" The ginger nodded. "Oi! Don't forget MEEEEE!" Tori nudged her. "Owwwww sorry..... Anyways my names Ell!" I smiled. "Nice to meet you too" Tori smiled at the too. Damn, that smile..... "Hey Tori? Wanna hang out with me?" I asked blush appearing on my face. "YES! I-I mean s-sure..." I grabbed her hand and she held back. "Well.... See ya Tori!" The Two said and walked away.

*30 minutes later*

We were talking at my house alone since Tom went to Tord's and Tori's. "So um how's it like in the Jock group?" I chuckled. "I've fucked some girls but like they were drunk so was I. It was never with feelings" Tori made an 'Oh' sound. "How did it feel? Was it good?" I blushed. "To be honest.... No. Wasn't that good" She scooted closer to me. "Do you have a crush on anyone?" I nodded. "Who?" I thought what to say but my body took over me. I kissed her and I felt her tense up but kiss back. I pinned her to the bed. (Three two one! The smut starts NOWWWW) I pulled away whispering into her ear. "I love you..." "I love you too" Those words sent Shivers down my spine. I kissed her neck and collar making her moan. "Like that~?" Tori nodded and mumbled. "I-I'm not sure about this Tammy...." "I'll be gentle... Don't worry" I got to her chest and groped it. "Ah~!!" She moaned. Sensitive ay? How cute. I took off her top and looked at her chest. I took off her bra and as soon as it was off, I was mesmerised. "S-Stop looking!" She yelled looking away. I chuckled starting to suck. "Ah~!!!!!!!" I continued to suck taking off her shorts. She was wet. Like really wet. I massaged her other breast. "Hngh~!!!" I pulled away quickly taking a last lick and ducked down to her womanhood. "Wow~ Someone's wet~" I smirked. I gently rubbed her through her panties causing her to hitch her breath. "Hah~!" I ripped the fabric off and started to eat her out. "ANH~HNMG~" Tori's Moans filled the air. She was sweet like caramel. I quickened my pace but as soon as she did she cummed which made it better. I pulled away.

Tori's pov
Holy shit that was good. I blushed deeply. "Hey.... You ready~?" I looked up and saw that Tammy was stripped but she had her womanhood lined up with mine. I nodded. She grinded down onto me causing pleasure to travel through my body. "AH~!!!! T-TAMMY~!!" I screamed in pleasure. She took a notice and smirked going faster. Since I'm not used to this and I'm pretty sensitive, cummed at this. But she kept on going. "TAMMY~!! I-I AHHHH~!!!" I couldn't describe how I felt. It was like the world was non existent. It was like I couldn't understand what was going on and I felt like I was melting. "TAMMY~!! S-SLOW DOW- HNGH~!!" I cummed again and it was embarrassing. How sensitive was I? Am I that weak in bed? "T-Tori~F-fuck~" I heard Tammy moan. My womanhood throbbed and I was pretty much shaking. "Tori~I'm cumming-Ngh~!!" Tammy's cum made me cum for the fucking fourth time. "AHHHHHH~!!!!!!!" I screamed. She got off me and I took this time to breathe. "You're better than anyone else love~" Tammy seductively said. "Shut up...." I pouted then 'Tched'. "Oh~? Are you mad~?" I looked away. "Well~... I'm not done with you so..." My eyes widened. "W-what...." She evily smirked at me (Isert MoTo MoTo mEmE- lol just joking) and I deeply blushed. "Please don't" I mumbled turning away. "Hehehehhehe~" she Chuckled. Tammy tackled me and played with my chest area. "T-Tammy! I'm hah~ T-Tired!" I yelled angrily. "Fine I'll stop~" She seduced. "Didn't you already play with me enough?" I pouted. "No cuz you are too sexy when You are all flustered and moaning~" My face was on fire. "B-.... BAKA!" I yelled and hit her on the head. "Owwwwww! Naughty girl~!!" Tammy yelped playfully glaring at me. "Ugh! J-Just stop!" She hugged me. I sighed and smile Nuzzled into the crook of her neck. "Can I at least play with your chest? They're really soft~" Tammy smiled. "F-Fine..." I felt her hands softly grope my breasts. She then pinched my nipples and moaned softly from her touch. "I love you so much~"she whispered into my ear. "Me- Hah~ngh~-T-Too" I moaned back. I felt myself getting wet again. God dammit!

Tammy's pov
I let my hand travel down to her womanhood hood and I instantly entered my fingers into her. She let out a gasp as I pumped my finger in and out of her in a fast pace. "You were such a good girl~" Tori grabbed into my shoulders. "I-I thought that Ah~!! You were G-going to only play with my- ANH~!! OH MY GOD TAMMY~" She was cut off by me ramming my hand into her. She came onto my hand and I greedily locked her womanhood. "T-Tammy~!! STOP~" God. Tori is so sensitive~. "Alright, alright" I pulled away and I grabbed a blanket. After covering us I kissed her on the head. "Night Tori~" She gave me a mhm and fell asleep instantly. My little girl...

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