Hongjoong finds you cutting

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Your mother just died and you have had bad luck for the past few days. You were slipping back into your bad depression episodes. Hongjoong was all you had left. He was with Ateez recording, and thats all he did recently. You hadn't told him your mom died, to avoid him caring. You hated attention, but you might need it sometimes. You looked at old pictures of you and your mom and started to cry. Hongjoong called you, but you ignored it.

You got so sad and cried even more after you found your favorite picture of you and your mom. It was your favorite memory of you two. Walking to the bathroom,you got out the old pack of razors behind the pipe under the sink. Hongjoong was blowing up your phone, but you ignored him. He didn't know, he didn't need to know. Hongjoong has known you forever, and might be able to crack you. You huddled in the corner in the back of the bathroom. 

Hongjoong POV

Y/n wasn't replying to me. She has been awfully distant lately and she always replied to me. I've known her since childhood, and I knew something was wrong. She struggles with depression and cutting. "Mingi! I have to go!" I told him after grabbing my jacket. I ran outside and sprinted to her apartment. I busted in the door.


I was crying, and still huddling in the corner of the bathroom. Cuts flooded my arms and I was tired. My arms stung with pain. I heard a door open, but I stayed put. The bathroom door opened and in the door way there was Hongjoong. "H-Hongjoong? I don't want you to see me like this." I tell him with more tears filling my eyes. He dropped to his knees at the sight of my bloody wrists. 

"Y/N? Why?" Hongjoong asked me. He slowly crept towards me and grabbed the blade. He threw it as far away as it would go. "My mom's dead. What if I died? No one would care!" I told him. Hongjoong gasped when I told him she died. "I would care! I love you Y/N. So everloving much." Hongjoong told me and grabs my wrists. I wince as he touches the cuts. Hongjoong stands up and pulls my arms so I would too. He makes me sit down on the toilet seat and grabs a medical kit. 

Hongjoong starts to clean up my cuts. After putting rubbing alcohol on them, he wrapped them in gauze. "I love you Y/N. I never will stop." Hongjoong says as he pulls me into a hug. "Promise to never cut again. Promise." I hug him back, being careful to not irritate my cuts. "I promise. Promise to never leave me." I tell him. Hongjoong pulls away and looks me in my eyes. "I promise."  Hongjoong tells me. He kisses me then hugs me once more.

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