hongjoong finds you after getting abused

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!¡trigger warning¡!
(I dont own the art, artist is on twitter)

!¡trigger warning¡!(I dont own the art, artist is on twitter)

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"YN!" My dad yelled from the office when I stepped inside. I cover my ears from his loud booming voice, and hesitantly make my way over. He was sitting in his office chair and spun to turn to me.

"Where the absolute fuck were you?" He snaps. I look down at my watch. It was only 4:30 in the afternoon. "I was doing homework at school." I mumble. "Bullshit. Who's this 'HongJoong' you've been texting?" He asks. My stomach flips. He was my boyfriend. "A friend. He's my friend." I whisper with no emotion what so ever.

"Don't you dare lie to me whore." He tells me. Then he stands up. "Don't. Lie. To. Me." I avoid eye contact with him and look at the book shelf in the corner. My father takes my chin and makes me look at him. In order to get me to talk he starts slapping me.

"Boyfriend! Hongjoongs my boyfriend." I yell out. "I knew it, you whore!" He screams at me. Hot tears start screaming down my face. He knees me in the stomach and I fall to the floor. "How do you like that? You don't? Well you deserve it bitch." He screams into my ear. Then he starts to kick my head, stomach and legs. Blood came out of my mouth as cuts and bruises developed all over my body.

After thirty minutes, he throws me against a wall, picks me up and throws me into the bathtub. He starts the water, which was boiling hot. "I hope you drown whore." With that, he walks out after locking the door from the outside.

I was too weak and tired to stop the water, so I just sat there and burned. The front door opened and my fathers car started. I started falling asleep.

"YN? YN? Baby where are you? Sorry i wasnt at school." A familiar voice echoed through the empty halls. "H- Hongjoong." I weakly call out. I hear him follow the sound of the bath and my voice. Finally the doorknob jiggles and breaks off.

"Baby oh my god!" Hongjoong cries in horror. The water was spilling over the edge, my clothes were weighing me down. Hongjoong runs over and picks me up and out of the bath. "Joongie, I love you." I whisper against his chest.

Hongjoong sets me in the passenger seat of his car, then starts driving. "Where.. Are we going?" I mumble. "We're going to the hospital baby." He informs me, "So please stay awake for me."

When we arrive he picks me up and runs in. "Help us please." Hongjoong begs the desk clerk. She phones somebody and a bed comes out. They take me away from him, but I beg the doctors to let him come with. My eyes felt heavy, and eventually shut. All I could hear was a faint "I love you" from Hongjoong, then a few sobs.


you choose what happens
I like this one



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