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     "Tell me again why I can't gochi." Minjung asked under the sheets. Eunbi, placed a warm towel on Minjung's forehead as she bundled the younger girl up.
     "You already felt horrible at the G-Market meeting. You want to walk out there in the cold? And get more sick? I'm not letting that happen." Eunbi scolded.
     "Canshew! Ugh! Can I at least write a card or something? Being in bed is boring." Minjung asked reaching her hand for the pen and paper on the night stand. Eunbi slapped her hand and covered her back up in the fuzzy, soft blanket.
     "I'll write it for you. What do you want to say?" Eunbi inquired while pushing Minjung down back to bed.

Congratulations Unnie! You are graduachoo! How come I never knew you at Hanlim? We could have been study buddies longer. Anchoo! Anyways it's big step in your life! I'm happy to be with you for your next step. Well not literally because Eunbi Unnie will not let me out of bed. Whoo you're achi! You're a college student now!
-Park Minjung

"Can I sign it Unnie?"
"No. You're not allowed to move."
"Please?" Minjung pleaded with her puppy eyes.
"Absolutely not!" Eunbi sternly disapproved. "Just go to sleep.
     "Can I read it?" Minjung asked. Eunbi tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. After a few seconds, she narrowed her eyes. She held the post-it note over Minjung's eyes. "You wrote when I sneezed?" She asked in bewilderment. She wiggled her arms out of the cocoon of blankets and reached for the yellow square.
    "No, no, no. You are not ready to turn into a butterfly yet." Eunbi laughed retracting her hand. She wrestled Minjung's arm back in to the roll and after more struggling, she made it nearly impossible to move.
     "What the?" Minjung blinked. She rolled back and forth on the bed trying to get out. She violently flung her legs to loosen the blankets, but they wouldn't budge. "How did you swaddle me so well?"
     "How do you even practice? You don't ha..."
     "I have 12 kids!" Eunbi yelled.
     "But you don't swaddle us." Minjung revealed still trying to get out of the blankets.
"It's the same as wrapping fresh bread." Eunbi shrugged.
"Jee thanks for that comparison. But let me out of this cocoon." Minjung struggled. Eunbi laughed at the flailing girl.
Out in the living room, the door clicked open. Two girls strolled into the living room. One held a bouquet of flowers and a plaque. The other wore a grey coat and light blue jeans. Party horns sounded within the room.
Eunbi jumped off of the lower bunk, and zoomed out to the living room, letting the post-it note flutter to the ground. "Chaewon! I'm so proud of you!Congratulations!"
     The members formed a circle around Chaewon and did a victory celebration.
      In the next room, Minjung listened to them celebrate. She didn't want to be left out so she did the worm. No luck. She was still stuck in the blankets. If you can't beat it. Be it. Minjung remembered Juri's one liner.
     The young girl, rolled over off the bed. Boom! She hit the ground with a groan. Next to her, she spotted the post-it note that Eunbi had dropped. Minjung picked it up with her teeth and proceeded towards the door. Somehow, she managed to get on her feet and hop.
     The girls still surrounded Chaewon, not noticing a thick lavender comforter hopping their way. That's is except one person. The girl with plump cheeks laughed turning the attention to Minjung.
The eldest walked towards the cocoon and threw Minjung over her shoulder. The younger made eye contact with a Chaewon as she dropped the note from her mouth. After reading it, Chaewon let out a giggle.
Eunbi placed Minjung down in the bed again. Minjung started to protest but Chaewon entered the room. "Hey you! How are you holding up?" She asked placing the back of her hand to Minjung's forehead. She also started to stroke the younger's hair.
A few minutes later the koala fell asleep. "How did you do that in minutes? I've been trying to get her to sleep for 4 hours.
"Just stoke her hair or pat her butt lightly." Chaewon concluded. She bent down and kissed Minjung's forehead. "Where did you learn to swaddle?"
"I did it for my bakery job. It's like wrapping a piece of bread." Eunbi replied.
"Haha congratulations on becoming parents." Yuri chimed from the door.
"Daddy Eunbi and Chaewon Mommy." Hyewon joined. "Congrats, it's a girl."

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