Apex Legends

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-shows Sakura's screen but also has Minjung's voice over

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-shows Sakura's screen but also has Minjung's voice over.

「皆さんこんにちは宮脇咲良です。今日はさしぶりにApex Legendsやっていきます!今日特別なものがあり
ます!Yay! はい特別ゲストです!」(Hello everyone! Miyawaki Sakura here! Today after a while, I am playing Apex Legends. Today we have something special planned. Yay! So here is our special guest.)

「こんにちは。パクミンジョンです。よろしくお願いします。」(Hello. Park Minjung here. Nice to meet you.)

"As you guys noticed, I am in a different setting than usual. Minjung-Chan here was nice enough to lend me her game room so we can upload something for you guys. Thank you Minjung." Sakura narrated.

"No worries at all."

"I don't know if you guys know this but Minjung is pretty good at this game. The last time we played together, she defeated me many times. I played with Hyewon and Yena on my team. And Hyewon is pretty good so having Minjung beat her was amazing."

   "Thank you. So our goal today is to win three games in a row. Are you up for the challenge Unnie?"

"Three games in a row? We'll be playing for a while. We have stuff to do. How about just win three games. We can do three games in a row when we are not short on time. Okay? Who do you play as? I usually play as Lifeline." Sakura announced.

   "I play with the more strategic characters. Like Wraith or Bloodhound."

   "I like when you use Wraith."

   "Okay I'll use Wraith."

   The two of them dropped down in The Cage and picked up some ammo, armor and all that good stuff. Minjung found some blue level leg armor and a purple chest plate and gave it to Sakura. She settled for a grey helmet and blue boots.

   "I have a sniper rifle." Sakura said.

   "Is it the Longbow?"


   "Oh my god can I have it?" Minjung asked.

   "Hehe yeah. You love it don't you."

   "Best weapon ever. I found a shotgun."



   "Eh. I'll take it."

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