Someone's Jealous Continued

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Maknae Line Time
     Minjung sat in her shared room, with a tie around her neck. Her eyes were hurting from all the reading and all the books she finished within a week. She struggled with the necktie.
     Hyewon watched the younger and giggled every time Minjung didn't knot the tie correctly. "This is hard." The younger whined.
     "Do you want me to help?" Hyewon asked standing up and walking towards the younger.
     "Do you even know how to tie a tie?" Minjung asked turning sideways.
     "Yes I can, I use those skills to choke my brother when he's being annoying. Stay still." Hyewon calmly responded before placing her hands on the pink tie.
     In the living room, Yuri, Yena, Sakura, Nako, Hitomi, Chaewon, Wonyoung, Eunbi and Chaeyeon sat watching Co-Co. The room was peaceful and quiet. Too peaceful and quiet. "Hey where's Minjoo and Yujin?" Eunbi questioned.
     "I think I saw Minjoo pulling Yujin somewhere." Chaeyeon answered.
     "Yeah when we were coming down here, I saw them going up." Hitomi agreed. "Maybe they went to the roof."
     "WHAT?!?" Minjung yelled earning a slap on the shoulder from a Hyewon as she yelled in the older's ear. Chaeyeon and Eunbi sighed as they made eye contact.
     "I call Minjoo!" Chaeyeon shouted.
     "What? Yujin is a giant!"
     "Exactly, you're stronger."
     A few minutes later, the four of them came down. Minjoo and Yujin were awake and not in the leaders' arms. Minjung peeked her head from the door and her heart fell when she saw Minjoo and Yujin walk in. She went up to the roof with Yujin and didn't fall asleep? Minjung thought. Jealously blinded her, it blinded Minjung that she didn't see Minjoo's slightly puffed eyes.
     She wasn't angry though, Hyewon took that from her. Hyewon stormed out of the shared room and shoved Minjoo.
     "What the hell Hyewon!" Minjoo yelled.
     "Do you think it is right for you to bring Yujin up there? Just because Minjung can't go out doesn't mean you have the right to go up there with someone else. That's your's and her's special spot! You can't just take that away from her!" Hyewon yelled.
     "Like you're any better, at any chance you get, you abandon Minjung for food! When she needs someone to talk to, you leave when someone offers you food! You always hang out with the person who offers you food!" Minjoo scoffed.
     "You say that like I'm her best friend and I'm supposed to stand by her through thick and thin! But I'm not! You are! You betrayed her trust!" Hyewon yelled. Minjoo raises her arm but Yena and Minjung stepped in before the argument turned into a fist fight.
     The two girls were taken to their rooms to be calmed. After a while, when Minjoo was back to her cheerful self, the room was silent. "Now that you're done talking," Minjung started.
      Minjoo stayed quiet ready for her friend to speak. "Do you find me boring?"
     "Of course not."
     "Then why is it that every time we go up to the roof, we fall asleep. But you didn't with Yujin. Am I just that boring?"
     Minjoo pouted and crawled to sit next to her bestfriend, leaning her back on the wall. "You're not boring. In fact, the opposite. I have so many fun memories with you. I could only fall asleep around you because you're comfortable. You make me feel safe."
     "I'm sorry." Minjung uttered turning her face towards.
     "Hey! It's my turn to apologize!" Minjoo laughed squeezing the younger's cheek. "You look good in a tie by the way."
Minjoo then tightened Minjung's tie and rested her head on the latter's shoulder.
      After a moment of comfortable silence,  Minjung spoke, "I still haven't heard your apology."
     Minjoo hit Minjung's stomach with the back of her hand. "Oh shut up and enjoy this moment." She whispered. "I'm sorry Jung."
     "Love you too Joo!"

I can't believe the kids got me into this mess! Eunbi thought as she crammed herself under the sink. Outside, the koala counted down. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 Here I come!" Minjung yelled coming into the dorm. She turned right and opened the shoe closet quickly. On top of the 3 shelved shoe rack, Minjung saw a foot in grey toe socks. "Ahn Yujin!" Minjung laughed as she tagged Yujin.
     The two walked into the kitchen and held up finger guns. Soon they heard giggling from the rack of clothes. They quickly turned around and signaled to the clothes. As they pranced towards it, the clothes started to move. A blonde girl darted from the clothes to the tv. Yujin tackled Chaeyeon onto the couch and Minjung tagged her. "Unnie you're horrible at keeping secret." Yujin laughed.
     "I know. But I won't tell you where the others are. And you shouldn't be helping her Yujin." Chaeyeon responded as she sat down on the couch with Yujin.
     Minjung found Eunbi under the sink, Hyewon in the fridge—eating—Sakura in corner of the laundry room, Yena behind the curtains in her room, Wonyoung, under her blankets, and Minjoo in the Room of Required Clothing(the room the turned into a closet. (Cuz apparently Izone's dorm has three rooms))—buried under folded clothes.
     By the time more than half of them were found, Yuri pretended she was found and sat on the leather sofa. Minjung had watched too many Running Man episodes in the past to be deceived. She tapped Yuri's head and went to guest bathroom. Minjung saw the shower curtain drawn and opened it. She only saw a girl's arms. "Really, Chaewon unnie?" Minjung asked.
     "I'm still technically inside the house." Chaewon answered pulling herself in. Minjung tapped Chaewon after she climbed through the window and helped her put the screen back up.
     "Now Hitomi and Nako." Minjung chimed. The 2meter(6 feet) teddy bear in the corner, caught Minjung's eyes. It was a bit less stuffed than usual. Minjung walked towards the bear and peeked behind it. She saw a rip in the back and examined it closer. "Hiichan!!"
     The teddy bear waved and shocked the rest of the dorm. "I didn't even know she hid there." Wonyoung beamed. Everyone agreed.
     "Good luck finding Nako." Hiichan warned taking the teddy bear head off.
     After 45 minutes, Nako still couldn't be found. Every pillow turned, every Cabinet door opened, every hanger checked but no Nako in sight. As the Seeker, Minjung trudged back into the living room and sat on the couch for a brief break. She faced the TV tired of the searching.
    She stared at the floor and noticed the floor board was placed into the ground the wrong way. Minjung facepalmed and walked towards the 1x1 meter floor board. She opened it and found Nako in a fetal position. Finally! The shortest thought.
     Nako crawled out of the hole in the ground and stretched. "50 minutes of one hide and seek game." Nako chimed. "A new record broken."
     "I can't believe you can fit in there! I wish I was smaller." Minjung pouted.
     "I'll gladly exchange heights with you. Even if it's only 9 centimeters." Nako agreed.
     "Yeah. I'm not jealous anymore. I don't want to be tiny." Minjung laughed earning a flying kick from the shortest.

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