Okay Maybe We Are All Jealous

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Hey guys this was recommended by a lot of people. Since I always do Unnie line first, I'll start with Maknae line first this time. Youngest to oldest.

(this is before Minjung was grounded)
     It was an unbelievably cold,but sunny day. The thin coat that they wore did not stop them from the violent winds. But the violent winds did not stop the girls from having fun. They skipped through the park, celebrating their break.
Wonyoung thought is was absolutely crazy that Minjung only wore her Izone t-shirt and black jeans. She also thought it was crazy for the girl, who was only a few years older than them, to pay for all five tickets.
Wonyoung watched as older girl ran around the park like a puppy seeing its owner after a long day of work.
"Ooh Guys! I wanted to try this ride! Can we go! Can we go!" Minjung squealed. Who's the maknae? Me or her? Wonyoung thought.
"Mm. I'll stay here. I'll look over all our stuff." Yena commented scratching the back of her neck.
"Haha scaredy." Yujin laughed. "Unnie I'll go with you!"
"Yay!" Minjung shouted and they ran to the line. Hand in hand.
Hyewon wrapped her arm around the youngest girl and offered to accompany the girl on the ride. As the two caught up with the hyperactive dogs, the two were sharing a laugh. What's so funny? Wonyoung thought. She didn't like being left out of a good laugh.
Yujin and Minjung had gotten to the front while Wonyoung and Hyewon sat behind them. As the ride started, made eye contact and smirked.
Wonyoung's eye twitched and grimaced about what there were about to do. Just as the coaster reached the peak of the hill, Yujin clung herself onto Minjung, her arms slung around the older's neck and kissed her cheek. With the force and speed of the cart, Yujin missed Minjung's cheek. Instead, Yujin kissed Minjung's jaw.
After the initial drop, the two held hands through out the ride. When the ride slowed down before a second drop, the girls were waving at people. "YENA UNNIIIIIIAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
Later, after a couple hours, when Wonyoung stood on Minjung's right, she noticed a pink mark on her jaw. "Unnie you have..."
"It's my present to Unnie!" Yujin beamed.
"You wore lipstick?" Minjung asked.
"I can wipe it away for you." Yujin offered.
"Please do it I don't want Eunbi Unnie to yell at me."
"Then we can wipe it later." Yujin smirked.
Hyewon who was standing at the side, found a condiment stand and grabbed a napkin. When she came, she wiped Minjung's lower cheek.
"Ooh Unnie! Let's buy a funnel cake." Yujin shouted pulling the older. Minjung immediately paid for Yujin and watched her with loving eyes.
This isn't fair! I'm the one who asked Minjung Unnie to join us. Wonyoung thought glaring at Yujin.
The whole day, the dog and koala duo never left each other's side. Minjung even clung to Yujin like an actual koala when her feet were tired.
When they were home, Wonyoung stormed off into the bathroom of her shared room with Minjung and Chaewon. After a while, when she didn't come out, the two older girls knocked on the door.
Worried about the younger, Minjung picked the lock and kicked the door in. Wonyoung threw a toilet roll at her. Luckily for Minjung, she played tennis so her fast reflexes allowed her to catch the roll.
"What did you do to her?" Chaewon glared.
Minjung looked dumbfounded and then closed the door on Chaewon. Wonyoung sat on the porcelain bowl with the plastic cover down. Minjung walked over to the younger girl and kneeled. She placed her hand on Wonyoung's knee and maneuvered her head so she could make eye contact. The younger moved her face to the left hiding the tears streaming down her face.
"Hey, tell me what's wrong." Minjung calmly spoke.
"Go ask Yujin!" Wonyoung spat. "I mean you spent the whole day with... her."
The older's face lost its color. She thought over the day and agreed with Wonyoung. Crap I did spend the whole day with Yujin.
Minjung sighed and used her fingertips and placed it gently on the younger. She lifted the younger's head and said, "I'm sorry Wonyoung. I was so lost in the moment at the amusement park. That I forgot to give time to you. I'll tell you what, when we go back to Korea, I'll bring you anywhere you want. Just you. Okay?" Minjung wiped Wonyoung's tear and pulled her off the toilet seat. "And if you want, we can cuddle too."
The two sat on the floors and talked out their frustration. Eventually, Chaewon came and joined them.

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