Vacation Home

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     Minjoo woke as the birds chirped. She stretched her arm however, her hand bumped into something. With her right arm extended, Minjoo turned her palm to examine what she bumped into.

     Minjoo rested her hand on the soft stuffed animal? Minjoo was confused. She doesn't have stuffed animals in her bunk bed. Right but she wasn't in her room. She was at Minjung's vacation home. So what was she touching?

     The younger Kim turned over keeping her hand on whatever she was touching. She was met with Chaewon's peaceful face. Minjoo smiled before she realized what her hand was on.

     She let out a yelp before retracting her hand from Chaewon's breast. She scooted away from the older girl, losing her balance in the process.

     "Ow." Minjoo groaned rubbing her butt. The frog stood back up, a smile reappearing on her face. The girl brushed the brown locks out of the sleeping girl's face before heading to the door.

     Minjoo hummed Itzy's Icy walking down the stairs. She spotted Minjung at the dinner table in front of her laptop. With a slight movement of her head, Minjung turned to see who was approaching.

     "Hey!" Minjoo greeted.

     Minjung groaned. She bowed her head and covered her left ear before regaining her posture. As Minjoo rounded the corner, she found the younger girl wearing sunglasses.

     "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors?" Minjoo asked pulling out a chair from the table. She crossed her arms on the table as she looked at Minjung. The younger Min did not answer her. Instead of probing, Minjoo turned her attention to the koala's laptop.

     Before Minjoo could see, Minjung closed the laptop. Minjung sniffled before turning to face Minjoo.
After a brief second, the younger tried to slide out of the chair.

     Minjoo knew something was off. She caught Minjung's hand and prised the younger back to her seat. The older Min kept her right hand on the younger's wrist, using her other hand to remove the sunglasses. Just as Minjoo reached the rims, she paused her action. The girl saw her best friend's eyes through the tinted lens.

     They were swollen. Coupled with the younger's red nose, Minjoo put two and two together. She slowly retracted her left hand taking the sunglasses from Minjung's face.

     The younger looked down as she exhaled a long and slow breath. Minjoo's eye furrowed watching her friend execute a weird breath.

     "Good morning girls." Chaewon cheered walking into the dining room. She sported a high ponytail with leggings a windbreaker she borrowed from Minjung. "You look like crap."

     Minjung turned from Minjoo, grabbed the sunglasses, put them on and hastily walked out of the room. Going up the stairs.

     "That wasn't very nice." Minjoo warned.

     "Usually she would sass me and say something like 'thanks I was trying to look like you' or something. Is everything alright?" Chaewon questioned.

      "I don't know but her eyes are a little poofy." Minjoo told.

     "Well I am going to cook some eggs. Do you wanna call them down?"

     "Nah I think Jung wants some time alone and Hyewon will come down when you're almost done cooking." Minjoo voiced.

     Chaewon tied the pink apron around her waist before grabbing four eggs, onions, bell peppers, ham, cheese, vegetable oil and four plates. Minjoo walked to the cabinets and pulled out a cutting board, a pan, cooking chopsticks and a knife. "Good thing we made Jung give us a tour huh." Minjoo cooed grabbing a baby blue apron.

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