Fiery Eyes

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Minjung scrolled endlessly through social media. For hours she came upon videos and photos that boiled her blood. Her eyes turned cold one last time before she sent the phone flying across the room.

A girl with blonde hair ducked under the projectile and dodged the ricochet of the Apple phone before catching it. She stood bewildered staring at the younger girl.

Minjung clenched her fists and bit her tongue glaring at the coffee table at her feet. before her spine and shoulders dropped forward. The fire in Minjung's eyes extinguished. They turned to wells with a sigh escaping her small lips.

The oldest glided across the living room sitting on the brown leather couch. She placed her slender fingers gently on the younger's knee. Her hand lingered there in the comfortable silence.

Minjung took a sharp intake. She bit the bottom of her small and soft lips contemplating whether to speak or not. After a long pause, the younger exhaled before looking away.

Beep beep beep beep. In walked two girls with their arms intertwined. The smiles on their faces ignited Minjung's dark voids, now erupting with fire.

     The face of the elder among the two girls that walked in changed from happy to worried. Her eyebrows furrowed and her feet floated across the room.

     She took her place next to Minjung and maneuvered her head to face the slumped girl only to be ignored. Minjung fidgeted her phone in her right hand before standing and heading to her room.

     "She'll be okay. I'll check on her. You guys can go." Eunbi smiled.

     "But..." Hyewon started. "I should be there for Minjung."

     In her room, the koala allowed the side of her lip to curve upwards. She picked up the folded paper before launching it to the living room. The paper plane glided right into Eunbi's hands.

     Eunbi opened the plane and read the hand written note. "Minjung I can't read English."

     Minjung popped her head out from the door and smiled. "That was supposed to go to Hyewon Unnie."

     "Oh." Eunbi realized before handing the paper to Hyewon.

     'I love you! But I won't restrict you from playing games. You can go. And we'll talk later.'

     "You sure?" Hyewon asked while looking up to the younger girl.

      "Yeah." Minjung smiled. "I'll find something to do."

"Do you want to come?" Hyewon offered.

"'ve been planning this for a long time. Just go and tell me about it later."

"Okay. Don't stay up babe it's a really long tournament." Hyewon smiled rushing to Minjung's side before kissing her lips for a brief moment. She turned around and pulled the tallest out the door.

"You're not okay are you?" Eunbi asked. "I can see you planning ways to kill Yujin."

"No I'm fine."

"You threw your phone at me. You glared at Yujin the whole time she stood there. You were mad earlier too when they went to eat breakfast. You declined going with Hyewon."

"Okay maybe I'm a little jealous."

"A little? You almost killed me."

"It's an IPhone. Pretty sure it'll break before it reaches you."

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