Help Me

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A glowing medallion flew over the sky. The warmth of the honeycomb-yellow streams paled in comparison to the nerves dancing in her arm. They danced to the gentle glides of delicate fingertips.

Without turning, Minjung knew who it was. She knew it from the Japanese Yuzu that the blew in the wind. The girl let out a soft hum, "Hyewon."


Minjung furrowed her eyes. Why would saying her name gross her out? "Minjung! Wake up!"

The golden globe faded along with the girl who sported long wavy brown locks. The sparkling eyes and the soft lips also disappeared.

"Minjung!" The said girl's eyes opened to the darkness. There, she saw the rungs that supported a twin sized bed.

"Ugh I was having an excellent dream." Minjung groaned.

"That's revolting." Minjoo groaned. "You talk in your sleep."

"I didn't say anything except for Hyewon's name." Minjung pouted.

"That's my point exactly."

Minjung arched her eyebrow before lifting her leg to shove Minjoo. "I was at the beach with Hyewon you pervert. Why did you wake me up?"

"Are you sure it's a beach?"

"Well no I didn't see any sand."

"Was it the Ryokan in Kyoto?"

"I-i don't know. Maybe." Minjung stuttered.

"Anyway, I need your help." Silence fell in the room. "With Chaewon."

"Are you kidding? she's you're girlfriend."

"Excuse me I helped you with Hyewon on her birthday."

"You did jack shit on Hyewon's Birthday." Minjung mumbled earning a slap from Minjoo.

"Well yeah because you were too busy eating her face."

"... when have you ever helped me though."

"Uh your anniversaries you dummy." Minjoo growled. "The first month where you took Hyewon to the restaurant. When you borrowed my dress for the second one. A birthday slash anniversary dinner in Japan for the third, which I helped in finding the restaurant. And a couple days ago when I made arrangements for the private hot spring ryokan that you and Hyewon went to and I still don't  know the details about."

"What do you think we did. We took a bath together."

"A hot bath. A hot and steamy bath." Minjoo teased.

"Nothing happened."

"Didn't I tell you, you're a horrible liar."

"What would I do without you." Minjung said satirically. "...but this day is for you and Chaewon."

"You know even in the dark I can see you blushing. How was Kyoto?"

"Well.... we- why am I telling you this we have a birthday party and anniversary to plan." Minjung said throwing off the covers.

"You guys had sex didn't you?"

"No.... well...."

"Did you touch boobs?" Minjoo asked.

"I can't believe you just asked that. Are we planning Chaewon's day or what?"

"Chaewon. But I'm getting that ryokan anniversary date out of you."

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