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Minjung woke up in the middle of the night. She didn't know how or why she woke up. She just did. Below her, Yujin was sound asleep.

     A small fan blew in their room as Minjung felt a small layer of sweat on her back. It was a hot night. It's going to be difficult for Minjung to fall back asleep.

    Minjung tossed and turned on her bed. She flung off the blanket and crawled out of bed. Minjung kicked something across the room. Minjung stepped on another object. The girl twisted the door nob and opened it. The kitchen light illuminated the small room highlighting the silhouette of slippers.

But no one wore slippers in the room. But Chaewon did. Minjung turned towards the bunk bed. Her left hand slid off the nob. She walked back to her bed and stood on her mattress overlooking the two older girls.

Chaewon her arms wrapped around Minjoo's waist as the younger Kim snuggled against the older Kim's neck. Minjung narrowed her eyes at her best friend, catching a nose flare and a slight crease at the side of her mouth. Right afterwards, Minjung noticed Chaewon's eyes flinching.

"You're both awake aren't you." Minjung whispered.

"This isn't what it looks like." Chaewon panicked as she sat up quickly.

"You two weren't cuddling just now?" Minjung asked in confusion.

"Huh? Oh- yeah that- uh we were doing that yeah. We were cuddling." Minjoo stuttered.

"Wait you weren't cuddling?"

"No we were." Chaewon defended.

"Oh please Minjoo gives me all this crap about being a horrible liar but she's a horrible liar too."

"It's just that you can read each other well." Chaewon mentioned.

Minjung's ears perked. She glanced towards Chaewon then back at Minjoo. She narrowed her eyes at Minjoo and moved to brush the older's hair out of the way. Minjoo froze.

Without touching Minjoo's hair, Minjung smirked then grimaced. "Really! You two! At least wait until the room is empty."

"I told you she'd wake up." Minjoo pointed.

"That was your fault. You're the one being loud."

"Ok I'm out of here." Minjung sighed stepping off of her mattress and onto the floor.

Minjung was halfway to the door when Minjoo stopped her. "Jung can you take Yujin with you?"

"The things I do for this friendship," Minjung sighed carrying Yujin out of the room. She placed the youngest on the couch.

"Close the door!" Minjoo whispered-yelled.

"Wait woman." Minjung groaned.

Minjung closed the door before Yujin rolled onto the floor with a thud. Yujin sat up and lazily rubbed her eyes. She turned her head around the room and scratched the back of her head.

Minjung opened her mouth to take a large amount of air. She rubbed her eye and turned on the dining room light. "Yudings? You okay?"

"Yeah... why am I in the living room."

"You fell asleep while Hyewon and Yena played video games." Minjung lied.

"Oh okay." Yujin believed. The youngest jumped onto the couch and laid down again. Minjung held her breath and stood in the dark until she heard light snoring.

Minjung walked three steps to the other door. It squeaked open. The girl tiptoed across the room and up the ladder. She poked her head over the ledge and observed her girlfriend. She smiled to herself before climbing onto the bed. Minjung crawled next to Hyewon as the older engulfed the younger throwing her arms and legs over the younger.

     Hyewon took a breath and hummed. She would never get tired of that smell. "What brought you here hm?" She sleepily asked.

     "I couldn't sleep."

     "Set an alarm for 5:00am. We have a schedule tomorrow and Chaewon and Minjoo need to not be naked in bed if they don't want to be scolded." Hyewon mumbled.

     "Wait you know?"

     "I'm lazy not dumb. Plus you never leave a room in the middle of the night unless it makes you uncomfortable. Now sleep babe." Minjung fluttered her eyes closed and snuggled into Hyewon's chest.

Minjung woke with a start as her alarm blared. She sat up, turned the alarm off, climbed down the bunk bed, and went to her own room.

The door smashed against the wall. Minjung closed it quietly and flicked the lights on. Minjoo groaned and threw the blankets over her head.

Minjung sighed. Minjung went to her bed and grabbed her fluffy pillow. She stood on her mattress and swung it at the Kims with every word she enunciated. "Get up we have a schedule today. I'm coming back in 15 minutes. If either one of you are still in bed then I'm telling Eunbi Unnie what you two did!"

"Ha jokes on you! We did do anything. We just wanted the room to ourselves." Chaewon laughed as she sat up.

Minjung raised her eyebrows and turned around to Minjoo's drawer. She pulled out an underwear, black shorts and a frog shirt and dropped it on the floor closing the drawer. The underwear and black shorts sat at the foot of Minjung's bed frame. She then exited the room.

"What is she doing?" Chaewon asked a sleepy Minjoo. There was no answer. Minjoo sat up and wrapped her arms around Chaewon. She looked down to see her clothes on the ground.

Minjung came back in carrying Yujin in her orange jumpsuit and white t-shirt. She tucked her in and threw Minjoo's frog t-shirt onto Yujin.

, Minjung came back with a set of Chaewon's pajamas and threw them on the ground.

Minjung turned off the light and jumped into her bed. Minjung got off the bed and tripped over Yujin's leg and was caught by Yujin before she face planted.

"Yujin? When did you get back in here?"

"I guess I slept walk." Yujin smiled.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

"Oh my god!" Minjoo whispered.
Minjoo threw the blankets off of herself and jumped onto the floor. She picked up her shorts and underwear, Minjung fell onto the floor.

Yujin turned on the desk lamp to ask her Unnie if she was okay. She found clothes scatter around the room. Minjung rubbed her butt. Yujin looked up and saw bright strawberry blond hair. She opened her mouth to scream but Minjoo came from the foot of the bed fully dressed grabbing Minjung's neck.

Yujin jumped in to save Minjung.

"Yujin nothing happened between Chaewon and I." Minjoo told.

"Is there supposed to be something happening? Why would two people who are not dating be in bed together? You two are dating." Yujin deduced. "You... two are dating?"

Minjoo nodded. Silence filled the room. "Please don't tell anyone."

     Minjung peeked at Yujin. She had pressed her lips together and looked down at the floor. "Okay." Yujin smirked. She turned out the lights and laid back down on her chair.

Minjoo pulled her best friend to the bathroom. "Seriously? Now Yujin knows. And that's like having the whole world know."

"You should've thought of that before you played me." Minjung stuck her tongue out.

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