Party Gone Wrong

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"We are here! The party has arrived!" Yujin shouted.

"You're the party that will get the cops on our tail." Hitomi remarked from the living room.

"Relax Tomi! They arrest the oldest." Nako reassured.

"But you're not the oldest." Wonyoung pointed. For a quick moment, all the maknaes looked towards the eldest maknae.

"Please don't get me arrested." Minjoo whined. "I'm too pretty to go to jail."

Minjoo, Minjung and Yujin sat down in the living room as the two eldest in dorm one left. They had left snacks and drinks on the dinner table for the maknaes. Chaeyeon granted Yujin her bed as Sakura offered Minjoo her bed. Minjung has pulled out her blankets to sleep on the couch.

"So what do ya'll want to do first?" Minjung asked flopping onto the black leather sofa. Yuri crawled to the slightly older girl and laid on her side as Minjung threw her legs over the young hamster.

"Heart to heart?" Minjoo suggested. "Actually I'm not in the mood to cry."

"Never have I ever!" Yujin exclaimed. "We all go around saying things we have never done but the people who have done it folds one of their fingers. If they run out of fingers to fold, they have to do 30 push ups."

"I'm in!" Wonyoung cheered.

"Who is starting?" Hitomi asked.

"I'll go! And then we'll go clockwise." Nako suggested. "So it goes me, Hii-Chan, Wonyoung, Yujin, Minjoo, Minjung, and Yuri." Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Never have I ever been 160cm."

The room was mixed with chuckles and groans. Besides Nako, Hitomi, and Minjung, the girls had nine fingers. "The only time I love being short." Hitomi cheered. "Anyways, I was never born in Korea."

More groans sounded from the same girls. Wonyoung smirked as she thought of a prompt. "I have never lived in the year 2003."

Everyone besides Wonyoung groaned. Minjoo Yujin and Yuri has seven fingers, Wonyoung had eight fingers, while Nako, Hitomi and Minjung held up nine. Yujin contemplated her question to eliminate the most people. "Um I have never been fluent in another language other than Korean."

Minjung flared her nostrils as she thinned her lips into a line before folding a finger. Bringing her down to eight. Nako and Hitomi looked at each other before folding their fingers. Wonyoung sighed before folding her finger.

Minjoo sat in silence, "I have never been on a variety show without other Izone members. So Idol School, My Little Television, AKBingo counts because Izone wasn't created yet, and the one episode you were on Let's eat Dinner Together." As Minjoo listed the tv shows, the maknaes glared at her.

Wonyoung, Yujin and Yuri were down to 6. Nako, Hitomi, and Minjoo has 7. Minjung was in the lead with 8. "I have never attended or will attend S.O.P.A." Minjung smiled.

     Yuri smiled knowing she'd be next. "I have never shared a part of my name with another Izone member." Two Min sighed folding a finger. Yuri looked at Wonyoung who refused to fold a finger. "Yah you share your name with Hyewon Unnie and Chaewon Unnie."

     Wonyoung had four. Yujin, and Minjoo had five. Yuri has six. Nako, Hitomi and Minjung has seven. It was back to Nako. "I have never written a song for Izone. Unfinished song still counts."

     Knowing she wouldn't lose, Hitomi went for getting more than one person. "Never have I ever kissed an of age person on the lips." Minjoo pouted as Minjung's checks became red. Yuri shyly put her hand down. Nako slumped her head.

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