Prologue Year 1717

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Prologue Year 1717

"Wakey wakey Jackson." Jackson heard as he slowly opened his eyes to see his was in a small room, but almost looked like a cave. "Where..." Jackson started to say as he felt his head starting to pound. "Oh take it easy my love. You might have a little headache since my spell wore off." He heard a voice as he lifted up his head to see the town shy, quite girl with the dark red hair and green cat eyes Amber Spell. "Amber? Where... What happened? Where's Bella?" He asked making Amber's eyes turn red, "Don't worry about Bella... She is not of any of your concerns anymore." she hisses as she pulled on a chain making Jack's arms pull up above his head. He didn't even realized he was chained up. He was starting to remember what happened, he was walking his love home, Bella Hollow but after that, he didn't remember.

"Where is Bella?" Jackson asked again as Amber walked over to a small table with some glasses on it with different kinds of liquid in them. "I told you my love, she won't be bothering us ever again." Amber said with an evil laugh making Jack's heart hurt and his eyes widen, "Amber, what did you do to her?" He asked as she walked over to him holding a cup, "Drink this." She hissed but he kept his lips closed. Amber grabbed his cheeks squeezing them hard making him open his mouth little, just enough to spill some liquid in his mouth down his throat. He started to cough as she walked away from him, "What the hell was that!?" He screamed. "A potion to help me with the next spell." She says as she walks back over to him holding a ring. "Spell?" He ask as she moved her hand up to his hands. "What have you done Amber? Why are you doing this?" He ask.

Amber looked at the boy she's been in love with for months, almost to the point of obsession. It was his light blue eyes that got her attention the first time she meet him, and how he was so sweet to her. But he never had eyes on her, it was always for that wench Bella Hollow, the town founder's daughter. She slipped the ring on Jackson's finger making him hiss as the ring started to dig in is flesh. "What is that?" He hissed. "Another spell, we're going to be together for a long time." She says as she slide her hands down his arm putting her hands on his face. "I did this for us Jackson, so we could be together." She says.

"Together? Amber, I'm suppose to marry Bella tomorrow... what have you done to her!?" He screamed to her making her back up, "I did nothing. It was you sweet Jackson Cain who did it." she said with a smile as she walked away form him to a corner of the room where a blanket hang over what looked like a mirror. "Here is your princess." She says as she pulls the blanket to have Jackson start to scream as he saw the woman he was to marry, butchered like a pig. Her once snow blonde hair was stained with blood and her dark like the night sky eyes were almost trying gray and was screaming at him as her arms were hanged by a rope above her head.

"Witch! What did you do!?" He yelled again feeling tears go down his face as Amber step back and admired her soon to be lover. His long brown hair was a mess in his ponytail but to her he just looked sexier. "Like I said, I did nothing. I mean... I may of spiked your drink when you were out with this little whore but... this." She says pointing the lifeless body of Bella, "You did this. You killed her." she said smiling. Jackson didn't believe her... He would never... He loved her. "You made me... You made me kill her..." He whisper making her nod. "You... You really are a witch... I just thought it was all just talk of the town." He says as felt his chest start to hurt. "The talk was right. I am a witch, a powerful one in fact." She says as she saw Jackson's face start to turn in pain. "I just don't understand... why me? Why Bella? What have we done to you?" He asked as Amber walked back over to him putting her hand on his chest.

"You did nothing wrong Jackson, the only thing you did was pick Bella over me. Which is a big no no. I wanted you. I need you but you just had eyes for her." She placed her hand on his heart, "Even now, your heart only beats for her... she's not even here anymore and you crave for her... Why?" Amber asked making Jackson look down. "Because she likes the snowfall in the winter, because she sees the light over the darkness. You lived for the darkness." He whispers. "I love her Amber... You took her away from me... so just kill me because I will never be yours." Jackson hissed as he spit on Amber making her eyes darken as she wipe off the spit. "You want to bet?" She ask as she slammed her hand into Jackson's chest making him cry out in pain as Amber pulled out his beating heart.

"Well look at that, so lively." She says holding the heart in her hand making Jackson start to shake, how is he still alive? "How.." "That potion you took is to keep you alive without a heart." She answered as she puts his heart in a box. She whispered a spell making chains circle the box as she throw it in the fire making the fire freeze. "Looks like hell froze over huh?" She asked with a laugh. Jackson didn't say anything he just looked at her. "Aww, poor Cain is still confused, let me explain. Without a heart, you can't feel, if you can't feel..." "I won't feel the love for Bella..." He whispered and he was right, he didn't feel what love was, or even how to care, he was emotionless. "Correct my love." Amber says with a smile walking past the body of Bella Hollow. "If I can't feel love, then I won't feel any love for you Amber!" Jackson screamed.

Amber paused, "I know... it was a price worth paying." "But I will still remember the feeling of love for Bella! You can never take that from me witch." Jack yelled. Amber couldn't help but laugh, "You really should be nice to me Jackson." She says as she picks up an axe making Jack freeze. "You really don't know what I'm capable of." Amber says holding the axe in both hands. "Amber..." He whispers as she walked over to him. "Like I said before Jackson, we're going to be together for a long time, you're going to be alive, for a very long time." She looks at the ring on his finger, "that ring will make sure you don't... scare people." She took another step to him. "Scare people?" He asked as Amber lowered the chain so he was facing the ground.

"You might not love me Jackson Cain, but I will have you as my own little puppet, something I can call on whenever I want and need. You will have no control." Amber says as Jackson tried to move his arms to break free. "What is your plan Amber?" Jackson asked. "My plan? My plan is when I call you, you will come. You will became my rider. You are cursed for all eternity to haunt down the one person you love." Amber said with a smile as she lifted up the axe. "Civet in aeternum sine capite." (He will live forever without a head) Amber yelled as she swinged the axe making Jackson black out.

Hey guys! Here is the first chapter of my new story, I really hope you enjoy it and I have a lot planed for it. It will be alittle more dark then my other stories so I will warn you on that. But it will still have the Jelsa moments you all love. So let me know what you guys think of this fist chapter and if you guys like it. I love hearing form you guys! So until next time, sorry for my grammar and spelling and I love you all!


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