-See No Evil: Stage 1-

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"The world is full of Monsters with friendly faces, and Angels full of scars..." ~ Ichigo

As I slowly open the closet door, all I could sense is a hint of danger, as if someone or something was trying to tell me something. The crow-like sound altered, as if it was really calling out for me. "Ichigo..." I swore, I heard something, It seemed as if it was a low moan, NOT LIKE THOSE TYPE OF MOANS YOU PERVERTS! I meant as if it was... Dead, Decayed, probably, but as I peeked through the slightly opened door, I spot it! It's the book, I'm finally relie-... "Ichigo, mom says to come downstairs to eat... It's Dinner time and you haven't ate in all day" My sister says as she opens the door and starts looking at me. "What did mom do...?" I asked. "Well, she made some Pizza... it's-... well you know how mom is. want me to send one of our brothers to get your pizza and give it to you? I know you want to stay up there cause of... Him.." she says. For once, me and my sister have never been on the same page, only when it comes to, funny movies and understanding one thing, We HATE our step father. "Please" I insisted, as she nods and heads downstairs and quickly tells Ben to bring my pizza upstairs, as he did. "Status report Ben." I demanded. "He is cuddling with Mom in their room, pretty sure they are K.O'd at this point." He says as he goes downstairs. "Good little soldier." I mumbled under my breath as I take a bite from the pizza. "Now, I wonder what that book has in store for me.." I said to myself. I quickly stood up and tip-toed to the closet door, there it was. The book of Evil, As soon as I hold it with my bare hands, "SHIT!" The book, just gave me a cut on my finger, a pint of my blood landed on the book and the rest on the floor, I rushed to my book bag and reached for a bandage, quickly tore off the plastic and covered the bandage on my injured finger. "Fucking, bitch I was trying to read y-..." my body instantly froze, my eyes could not believe what I just witnessed. The book of Evil, which is constructed to be the "encyclopedia" of all Demons, from low ranks to Demons you should never EVER summon. It's texture as hard as a rock, when I first felt it on my hands it felt as if it was a Leather coated hard cover. The edges were made of Gold, and in the middle, there was a huge Pentagram in which the words "Evil" were engraved and accompanied by... Claw Marks, but that's not the reason why I froze on my position.. The pentagram was spinning, and there I saw it... The Book's Beast? No... Some Demon who may just be smart enough to escape from it's Jail.. He quickly notices my presence and my window burst open releasing a tough wind knocking me down to my knees. As I noticed what this demon, no... This Beast, was about to do, I quickly hid behind the couch on my room, I can still him, but can he SEE me...

Ichigo hiding behind the Couch

 As I tried to keep my mind closed and mouth shut, I see him

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As I tried to keep my mind closed and mouth shut, I see him... He... He is...

"Terrifying" ~ Ichigo to the Unnamed Demon

 "Terrifying" ~ Ichigo to the Unnamed Demon______________________________

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"I-I can't control my movements! It's like he knows i'm watching. Could he be... aware of me still being here?!! I need to move quick-... HOLD ON!" As I see him take a bite of my pizza, I quickly stand up and walked over to IT. Fearlessly smacked his hand and glared at him. "Heus, quid infernum ?!" (Hey, What the hell!)  He says. "Wh-what the hell are you doing!! That's my pizza buddy, I am a hungry woman, you touch my pizza?" I say while making a cutthroat gesture to him. "Comprendo?!" I quickly say. "Audi, omnes vos got nefas. In Millennium non comedi!" (Listen, you got it all wrong. I haven't eaten in millennium!) He quickly says. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?!" I shout at him. As he sighs, he grabs a pen and a notebook and start writing in english. "My apologies, I have not eaten in millennium, and I am very hungry. May I please have a piece...?" He writes and shows me. "Wh-whoa... I'm speaking to a Demon!" I suddenly pass out.
- 2 Hours Later -

As I wake up, I quickly look at my surroundings, "it felt as if it was all a dream. That Demon... in a form of a Shadow... I know this will not be the last time, I will see It..." I say as I finish my food not caring and start watching "The Groom of Tiffany" as I relax and yawn, "ahh... Relaxation.." I said. "This movie looks fun... may I join..?" A familiar voice in my mind say.. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shout.

-To Be Continued-

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