The End pt.1

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As I begin to slowly wake up, I quickly realized where I was; I was at All for One's lab. "Home..." I said to myself, as I look forward, a shadow of a man begins to walk towards the Incubator where I was. "Rise and shine, Young Zero..." The shadow says while revealing himself, it was All for One. "Of course it would be him, that asshole..." I whispered to myself. "We have so much to do, but before we do... show me you still have your quirk." As he says this, he aims his right hand towards my face. I quickly shook my head while glaring at him.

"Why must you not obey!" As he quickly presses the button for the incubator's drainage, all the water from the incubator slowly gets drained away below my feet. As I close my eyes, I focus all of my energy towards my arms and legs, releasing a gigantic ball of flames. "GO TO HELL!" As I said this, all the tubes that were injected onto my body begin to burn off, turning into ashes. "You have a big mouth for a kid..." as he begins to blast what seems energy waves towards my directions, I duck down and started rolling away from the blasts, then quickly picking myself up. As I begin to feel a cut on my leg, I growled and pulled the glass from my leg, before releasing a flame trail towards him. "What an interesting specimen... Blue flames, intelligence, and a thirst for vengeance." As he begins to release an electrical attack towards me, I hesitate and grab the first thing on my left: A Metal Pole. "AM I FUCKING NUTS?!" As I sigh then rush at the electrical attack, I swing the pole towards it. As I swing, I notice a negative side at the end, and flipped it. "I get it, A negative reaction..." I thought to myself, as I switch my stand by flipping next to All for one, the pole absorbs the electrical attack of All for One. "HEY ALL FOR ONE!" I yell, as he turns around I change the sides to the positive one, and the pole began to cover itself with lightning. DIE! As I swing the pole towards him, the lightning began to switch forms: A Lightning Scythe. As the Lightning began to shock his body, a random needle stabs through him.

"Whew, Glad I could catch up..." A strange voice says while walking towards our direction. "Who the hell are you..." I ask firmly. "That's right, you don't know me... Hello, I'm Hawks. The number 2: Hero."

As he says this, he grins with a happy expression and flapping his wings

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As he says this, he grins with a happy expression and flapping his wings. As I get up and threw away the Lightning Scythe, I pulled my hand out for a handshake. "Zero... I'm from U.A, well... A student." I say, he nods then quickly shakes my hand. "Why are you here?" He asks. "I was kidnapped by All for One..." I firmly say. "Hah, you must be special then, and what's that?" He asks pointing at the remaining spark of my blue-flamed quirk. "That's my quirk..." I say while looking at it. "Huh, just like Endeavor..." he says while smiling. "Hell no..." I say while remembering Shoto. "That's understandable..." as he says this, he quickly flaps his wings and we start levitating. "Well, lets get out of here..." as he says this, we quickly fly away, then quickly arrive at U.A.

"BREAKING NEWS: THE NUMBER 2 HERO: HAWKS, HAVE SAVED THE MISSING STUDENT!" A news reporter yells at his mic, while staring at the cameras. "Actually, This Kid saved ME!" Hawks says while grinning at me then walking away on an open space, while the mob of news reporters surround me. "H-Hey! Hawks!" I say confused, while staring at everyone, as the news reporter shove each other and yell random questions such as: "where were you?" "How did you saved The Number 2 Hero?!" "What's your Quirk?!"

As a heavy stomp closes in on everyone, every reporter backs off while bowing down. "Oh my god, it's the Number 1 Hero!" As I laughed then looked at them, I quickly turned around and closed my eyes. "Guys please, All Might is ju-..." as I open my eyes, I see him. His piercing blue eyes, and menacingly glare surrounding the ambience, everyone in total silence. As he walks towards me, then quickly looks at me in the eyes, he speaks, "I see you're back... Zero." He slowly nods then taps my shoulders. "As for everyone, I would like it if you leave us heroes, ALONE. Enjoy your lives, and go to your family... there's no more troubles for now, as for Zero..." He adds, "We have so much to speak, and catch you up..." He quickly says while walking inside U.A. "I don't have a good feeling about this, but... I guess, I can give him a chance." I say while walking with him.

"I'll be a liar, if I don't fill you in on things... As you may know now, I took over All-Might's title as the number 1 hero..." he says, his voice sounding a little bit off. Is not a usual thing for Endeavor to sound off, as he turns around and looks at me, he kneels down a bit. "Iris has told me that Shoto is on his way of getting his provisional hero license, I'm a proud father." As I look down, I remember Iris, my eyes beginning to be filled with painful tears. "Y-yeah, must be nice to know that feeling..." I mutter while wiping my tears. "You know... I've been keeping an eye on you ever since that fight with you, Shoto and that Bakugo boy. You remind me of me in a way." As he says this, I look away while thinking of how he used to be, in Shoto's past. "I've done things in the past, I regret... but, I'm happy my son is growing up to be a great man, hopefully a better father. That Iris girl is great." He adds, my heart beginning to drop out of anger and jealousy.

"What do you think of her?" He asks, while opening a door that seems to be his Office, as I remain silent, he quickly catches on. "Well the reason, I bring you here to this office is because, well... I'll let you go in and see..." as he says this he shuts the door behind me. As I walk slowly further into the room, a familiar voice speaks, "Nice to see you again, Zero..."


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    "Y-you... what the hell are you doing here!" As my blood begins to boil, the anger deep inside of me passes through my veins, igniting the blue flames in the palm of my hands, a stronger more deadlier flame. "Relax, okay... I came here with answers..." she says while coming down, and looking at my hands. "The girl you saw screwing with Deku, was not me... It was the girl named Himiko Toga. Her quirks lets her transform, why do you think she didn't recognize you? Besides, I wouldn't be with Deku." She says in a serious tone, her lips begin to curl up in anger. "Second of all... I'm... I'm sorry... I've missed you, and I should've reached for you sooner.. can you forgive me?" She says while getting on her knees.

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