Vs. Hero Killer Arc: Inherit One for All, How did Zeldris get it?!

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"It's fine now, why? Cause WE are here." -All Might

    "Young Midoriya!" Says All might while appearing out of nowhere. "Y-yes All might, What's wrong???" Deku asks while facing him. "I hate to break it to you.. Danger is coming our way.. We might need to inherit One for All to another person in other for us to succeed." All might says while walking with Deku. "B-But All Might, we might need to train the inherited one!" He says while freaking out. "Hey Deku, What up?" I ask while walking towards them. "Perfect!" Says All Might. "W-WAIT HIM?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" He mutters loudly to himself. "Young Hoshigaki!" He says. "Huh... oh, what up All might?" I ask while looking at him. "We must tell you something, but we must know if you want to receive higher power to protect those important to you!" He asks. "I-ichigo.." I mutter. "Yes, All might. What's the catch." I say while determination fills my pride. "Very good. Now, Young Hoshigaki, follow us." He says while dragging Midoriya's Hoodie. "Uhm.. okay." As I start following them, I notice deku glancing at me with a worried look. "I don't know what's going on... but I don't like this.." I say to myself while texting Ichigo. "Yo, Ichigo.. I'll be home late." I text to her. "Why, what's going on Z?" She asks "listen, I'm with All Might and Izuku. If you need me contact them." I text her with a 🙁 Heroji. "Ugh, Zeldris you're always getting in trouble! But... That's something I love from you... all right darling. See you later, also it's Sunday, you know what that means xoxo" she texts back. "Oh fuck, right!" I text her back, "i'll be ready, don't worry hun. Anyways gtg." I text while looking at All Might. "We're Here!" As Deku nods and looks at me, he bows slowly. "H-huh...?" I say while looking at his posture. "H-Hoshigaki Zeldris... i-it is to my faithful honor t-..." as All Might turns into his powerless stage Midoriya screams and gives a scared look. "Hmm, so you have one of those too..?" I ask. "H-huh, too?" They ask, while switch to my Original State.

"Hello All Might

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"Hello All Might." I say as my light brown eye and white eye glance at his injury. "Hoshigaki... what happened to your face..?" All might asks. "It was 8 years ago... I was kidnapped by powerful villains and was beaten to a pulp, I could not see due to the painful blood lust they had, gauging people's eyeballs, replacing them, and even messing with their cornea and iris. I survived out of miracles by a a girl who you all know today as Ichigo" I say while looking away. "The torture was horrifying, at midnight my body was struck by lightning while sitting in a wooden wet chair. At 6 am, I was submerged in water. Hell, at 3 in the afternoon? My body was cut in pieces while listening to Present Mic's awful Romance Playlist whilst my body was bleeding and being sprayed by random chemicals with a sting." I say while looking at All Might. "I-i like P-present m-mics Romance playlist.." Deku says as he stutters raising his hand. "I know Deku, hell you even like Present Mic's Guest Ms. Joke." I say while looking at all might. "Fanboy-ish?" I ask "hell yeah, totally..." All might says. "Anyways, Let's get to work." After intense training of walking to All Might's Gym, lifting weights and running what seemed to feel like a marathon, weeks passed by and some FaceTime with Ichigo to know everyone's status, All Might finally nods and coughs blood while Deku looks at me. "You're Ready..." he says. "All might... here." I pass him a Pill in which he questions it but swallows it. "How do you feel.." I say while All Might yells in pain before yelling in relief, he quickly flexes and turns into the form we all respect and love. "The symbol of peace, is back. Think of it as a Thanks.." I say while lifting his shirt revealing All Might's Injury is gone and all his respiratory system is back. "Young Hoshigaki, I THANK YOU!" As he flexes and grins happily, his eyes turn back to his normal state. "Heh, welcome back Toshinori Yagi."

"Young Man

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"Young Man... you made me the happiest man alive!!!" He says while pulling one string of his hair and smiling. "Young Midoriya..." as he nods, Deku also does the same and they both give me their pieces of hair. "Uh..." I question it until All Might nods. "Alright, screw it." As I swallow both of their hair, I nod in disgust and look at them. "All right, now what?" I ask. "We rush into battle! I heard the Academy is under a villain raid." All might says. "WHAT!? WHY ARE WE HERE!" Deku and I yell. "Worry not! We shall go!" As he grabs both of our arm and rush step, we make it to the inside of the academy, right beside the door where the villains are attacking. "Young men, are you ready?" He asks. "All might.. his time.." Deku asks. "Don't worry..." I say while using an inner time quirk and make the process go quicker. "Alright! Let's go.." All Might says while we walk in. "Ready men!" He asks. "LET'S GO PLUS ULTRA!" As we rush we quickly get everybody out of harms way and notice All For One standing there menacingly. "All Might, stay back..." i say. As he nods in confusion me and Deku charge up and I rely on my new quirk with the force of my strength. "ONE FOR ALL: FULL COWL!" We both say. "N-no way... he has Deku's Side of the quirk this early?" All might says. Now to combine it, with mine! I think to myself while my eyes glow menacing red. "ONE FOR ALL UNION: TWIN DRAGON!!!"As deku stands there in shock, I release two dragon form-like green static and separate the two for every side as I rush in the middle and let the two dragons go left and right cornering All for One, a Hint of worry is shown on the villain's face. As I jump forward and do a mini front flip in mid-air for the dragons to hit All For One twice then to come back to my fists, I get closer to his mask and as my red eyes release a mini light of anger, A one hook-two hook combo was deliver to his face by deku making me have more time to charge the menacing dragons. "DO IT NOW YOUNG HOSHIGAKI!" All Might says. "GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA: TWIN DRAGON SHIVERS OF SMAAAAAASH!!" I say, while I punch All for One twice then backflip out of danger, then flicking my middle finger downwards letting the twin dragons clash downwards to All for One from above. "This Kid..." all for one says while he retreats before one of the dragons breaks his mask.

"Heh, so you do remember how you got One for all..." All Might asks while we are still in the locker room. "Whoa, you were the Twin Dragon User?" Kirishima Asks. "Yeah, but I couldn't hit him completely." I say while everyone cheers. "Nah, don't worry, now we got you in case he comes back!" Cero says. As All might, Deku and I smile and laugh we quickly do the "Forever Smile" gesture to everyone. "WORRY NOT, WE ARE HERE!"

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