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As I take the last sip of Alcohol, my body begins to remember plenty of things, I have wished they could've burned in hell, never to be remembered, never to be talked about. As I ache my back, then place my hand on my head, I feel warm. I look at the half empty bottle then at the shot glass. "I feel alone..." I say while noticing the time: 5:00pm. "Should she be back by now..?" I ask myself while cleaning around the house as quickly as possible. As I look down, then up at the clock, it was 6:40pm. She's not here yet. "Fuck this.. I'm gonna go get her..." as I try to stand up, my eyes go blank, I pass out yet again..
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"I.. I still remember, the pain... The torture... all the blame and blood loss..." I say while my mind drifts into memory lane. I was just a young boy, when my father found out, I had the weakest quirk, not even I could handle. Hell, I was not even fit for the quirk. As he decided to "help" me with my quirk, there is where all of this pain started. Intense "training" getting burned alive, waterboarded, electrocuted with a wet cloth in my mouth, deep cuts, even imprisoned in the basement. All these little things led, to my brutal personality. I eventually died from my many scars and loss of blood. Later brought back to life. I rejected everyone, turned everything down, remain alone for so long. Eventually I gained the control of one of my quirk, I trained on my own, and of course... Learned how to live life on my own. I never had anyone to actually care about me, besides that girl, who turned out to cheat on me with another guy. Not gonna lie... sometimes, I wish... I wish... I could go to those good old days... The painful memories, the deep silver blade pressed onto my skin releasing the oozing red liquids from my body releasing tension, the rope-turned- noose on my neck in which it'll slowly release the bit of oxygen from my whole body leaving me unconscious, the many beatings of my father. Of course, I don't want any of this, but.. it was the only... ONLY way to seek someone's attention, and have all the care of the world, but... eventually death came upon me, when I heard father finally giving some training to my other brother and forgetting about me. I couldn't stand it.. I ran from home and eventually got killed by being in the middle of a forest fire. Eventually, I took the name of Zeldris.. then accepted my original name: Zero. I wish, I could go back and...
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As I slowly shake my head, I notice both of my wrists cut up. "U-... Uagh..." I groan in pain, while slowly sobering up. "Ugh, I... I should've had... just... l-lef..." I then passed out again. Only to be found on the floor unconscious and had both wrists all healed up and bandaged up.  "Wh-who..?" i thought to myself while sitting up.

"Wh-why are you always doing these things..." Uraraka says while coming in with a wet towel in hand. "Come here.." she says while sighing. As I do what she says, I look down realizing the pain, I gave her. "I-..." I pause. "Save it Zero..." she says while looking down. "I... okay..." I say while looking down also. "S-... so, are you hungry..?" She asks while noticing the empty bottles. "H-have you been drinking.." she asks worried. I quickly sigh, but nodded. "I... I'm really sorry.." I say again, this time looking at her eyes. "C-... just come on... okay?" She says while placing her hand on my chest making me float with her gravity quirk and pulling me with a leash. "I'm sorry, I came late.." she says, while a hint of sadness can be heard. "D-don't be... you were probably attacked by a villa-..." I was paused by her. "I... I saw Deku." As I heard this, my blood turned cold and I remain emotionless. "B-... but..." she adds. "I was actually running away from him... he was with her, and... Zero, if it wasn't for Iris... I wouldn't have came on time before you.. d... died.." she says. As I remain quiet, she bites onto the leash and placed her fingertips together releasing me. "Zero... What's going on.." she asks. I never heard these words, since a long time. "... I... I need help..." I admitted while pulling my hair and gently crying while the rest of my hair cover my face. "Zero..." she says. "Wh-... what..." I reply while she came closer, and closer. "Listen, I... I can help... you..." she says while looking around slowly whispering. "J-just... don't say anything.. okay?" She says while looking at me. "Wh-... why... help me.." I ask. "... I've been there Zero.. I understand your pain. Especially since, you love Iris.." she says while smiling a little. "You might not know this... b-but... I may not be Ichigo and have experience knowing your likings.. or Iris to know you in depth and know your mind's perspective.. b-but... I'M A GOOD FRIEND AND IF YOU NEED SOMEONE, I'M HERE!!!" She yells while tears stream down her eyes. as I remain quiet but show a little smile to her words, I tap her shoulders then hug her. "I know Uraraka... and I understand, but... I'll help you.." I say while smiling. "H-how..." she asks.
*Uraraka receives a Call* "OH MY GOD ZERO?!!!" She yells in happiness. "Heh.." I chuckled while hugging her. "In exchange of your help and saving my life..? The least I can do is help your wishes... You're now a millionaire." I say while smiling. "What about y-.." she says. "I'm a billionaire... that's basically from my company.." I say while smiling. "WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE" she yells. "Sure... I don't mind, pick a place." I smirk while thinking. "Yay! Wendy's!" She says. "H-huh... it is a nice place..." I muttered. "What's that?" She asks "nothing, let's go." I say while following her.

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