Mission Todoroki: Awaken the Demon!

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"This Power, is that what mom and dad wanted us to accomplish!?" ~Shoto to himself when Zero's True Quirk was revealed.

    "Well, we're here... now what?" Shoto asks. "Well dear brother... we freeze!" As we both stomp on the ground half of my body turns pale and half of My Hair turns Silver while we release a devastating ice wall trapping everyone from their feet. "Shoto!" I yell. "Oh, I get it... Got it!" As we rush in and slide with the ice, I use my Glacier ice to make them get stuck more and leave them frozen. "Alright, he's in th-..." as I pause myself feeling the hot hands on my neck, I look at Zeldris and growl. "Zeldris..." I say. "Well, well, well.. now we have three Todoroki's... what's next All Might or Endeavour..." he says. "Why not both..?" Shoto says while looking at me. "Ready brother.." he says. "Heh... you can say that again." As we both push the buttons, we're replaced by All Might and Endeavour while they use their ultimate moves. "Prominence Burn!" yells Endeavour while launching a massive, concentrated beam of fire from his entire body and tries to vaporize Zeldris. "SMASH!" All might yells while Using all his power, As he delivers a massive punch, then slams his opponent into the ground with his fist. It was powerful enough to send shockwaves reverberating the surrounding area. "What the Hell!" As Zeldris yells getting damaged enough, I nod and teleport Zeldris to hell with me. "Wh-why the hell are we here!" Zeldris says. "I knew you were immortal in the normal world... I'm not stupid Zeldris." I say. "H-heh... took you long eno-..." as I quickly make him bend down with a quick punch to the gut, I feel the waves of every One for All User and I lift my fist up to the side and prepare myself. "Go beyond..." I slowly say while charging it. "N-no... don't do it!" He says. "PLUS ULTRA!" As I release all my energy and strength into that final blow, I quickly aim for his head and smash his skull to the ground. "Oh... and in case you survive?" I say. "N-... ngh..." he slowly wheeze in pain. "Blaze... CREMATION!" As I release all my Blue flames onto his face, he quickly turns into ashes and disappears. "Wh-what was that!" A demon guard says as he looks at the inside of the cell, "huh.. nobody.." as I teleport back to Shoto, he has explained everything to Enji already. "So... you're the son, I lost." He says while looking down. "Don't bother... it's okay." I say. "I lost you... We lost you..." he says slowly revealing his soft side to both Toya, All Might, Bakugo, Shoto and Me. "Uhm... Old man, you should let us all rest.. we can talk about this tomorrow." Toya says. "R-right..." he says, as we walk away safely returning home, everyone welcomes us in open arms. "Shoto!!!" Momo says while hugging him. "T-TOYA.." Rei says while nodding at him and giving him a deep hug. "All Might! OMG ARE YOU OKAY!!!" Deku yells at him while All Might returns to his powerless state. "Wow... everyone sure does miss them.." I say while looking down. "And who says nobody missed you..?" As a familiar voice taps my shoulder, Ichigo smiles worriedly. "Where were you Zeldr-..." I quickly stop her. "Ichigo... My real name isn't Zeldris.. My name is Zero.. Zero Todoroki." I say while smiling at her while giving her a hug. "Zero, you made me worried... I thought you were dead." As we exchanged our hugs and kisses, we slowly regrouped with everyone and started planning in case of another attack. As for now? All we know is, We still have All For One to take care of. "So, Zero... huh..?" Rei asks. "H-huh.." I turn and look at her. As she sniffs and hugs me, her faint voice says, "I'm so happy we found you son.." as I quickly hear these words, a tear dropped from my eyes and I hugged her back. Thanks Mom...

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