- The Hunt -

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( sorry, I haven't been posting a lot, too much work. I'm back now, so enjoy... ) - A/N

"Boss, as far as I know... I haven't seen him." One of the guard says while speaking to the walkie-talkie, the obnoxious 'over' or 'roger that' could also be heard from the distance. The pitter patter of the guards rapid rise of heartbeat was enough to lure Zero to them, but before he could get closer to them, a small flash grenade explodes near him, leaving him deaf for a split moment. "HE'S HE-..." before the guard could finish his alerting to the others, a small sinister grin spread on Zero's face, quickly gauging the guard's eyes with his thumbs.

"Shh.. shh.. shh... you guards are so annoying when it comes to snitching." As Zero starts to pull out a small, yet large pin, and thread from his back pocket, he began to sew the guard's mouth shut. The muffled screams of the guard was so low that even he gave up trying, "see? I told you... snitching will get you no where!" As he begins to chuckle menacingly, a guard slowly starts to walk to their direction, the faint tapping sound of his shoes began to grow louder, as the light of an incandescent flashlight could be seen, slowly roaming as if it was a spotlight. As the guard begins to walk towards the tortured comrade, his eyes widened realizing that his friend's left eye was missing, but before he could turn on his radio, a loud banging sound emitted from behind him.

"WHO'S THERE?!" As the guard flashes the beam of light behind him, he began to slowly stare at a mannequin-like person, his eyes were as if it was recently dipped in glazed paint, his sinister blue eyes gently glowing with the darkness. His facial expression was horrendous, as if his smile was ever-lasting, but the only thing that creeped the guard out, was that the mannequin was holding his comrade's missing left eye, in his mouth slowly squishing it.

"Oh. My. God..." the guard said, slowly reaching out for the eyeball, his nerves were slowly shaking, his eyes were beginning to widened more and more. As he finally grabs the eyeball, his expression looked more of a relief feeling. "What? Did you really think I was gonna bite your filthy and disgusting hand..." Zero says while finally moving and slowly stepping out from the shadows. "And really? You see someone with a sinister painted smile, from YOUR comrade's blood... and all you would do... is just stand there?!" As Zero steps closer to the guard, the guard takes a step back.

"Don't come closer! HEEL!" The guard says, while revealing a hidden cross. "You... hopeless idiot..." before Zero could do anything, the guard drops his flashlight, revealing Zero completely, but someone else also. Behind Zero, was a dark and twisted shadow-like creature. Standing tall, his claws were as sharp as a Lions, horns of a demon and even a dark twisted smile that only a serial killer can do. "BOO!" Said the beast, making the guard pee himself before passing out.

"Was it necessary..?" Zero asks while slapping the guard, making sure he was unconscious. "Aw, come on... did you see his face?" Enenra asks while smirking. "Yes, yes I did." As Zero begins to smile back at his Demonic Entity, he hears a loud beep. "Calling all units, report to All for One's Office immediately." As Zero hears this, his smile turns into a grin. "Time to visit... huh?" Zero says while using Enenra's teleportation technique.

"So, you think it's Zero? Fathering the fetus inside of the girl's stomach? I find that very hard to believe especially with the quirk that he has, the child may rebel against him. But young Todoroki's child, that I may expect from a young and very talented boy like him... I may have to drop by and pay a little visit to the girl." All for One says while staring at his disciple: Shigaraki Tomura. 

"Why can't I give the girl a "friendly" visit? After all, the criminals that who were with me when we attacked the USJ who encountered her said that her quirk was mesmerizing, so can I?" He asks while taking off the hand that's attached to his face, revealing a sinister grin.

"Very well, Shigaraki. You can pay the girl a visit but under no circumstances, don't you dare lay a finger on her. I still need her." He says while pointing his index finger at the kid.

"Of course master..." Shigaraki answered.

"Oh! Shigaraki, please inform our teller that I said thank you and please keep me inform if something else occurs." He says while turning his back on Shigaraki and looking at the view from the outside.

"Yes master." Shigaraki says before walking out of All for One's office.

"So, Iris is actually pregnant... I can't wait to hear her side of the story..." Zero says while wiping some tears from his face. "I hope... I... I get to be the dad." Zero says while muttering to the side. "Are you serious kid? She's Todoroki's girl... not yours." Enenra says while consoling Zero by patting his shoulder. "Sorry Kid... don't expect me to sugarcoat anything, her heart belongs to Todoroki... it's... It's time for you to move o-..." before Enenra could finish his last sentence, Zero has already had enough, and vanishes.

Back in the Sport's Fesitival:

"DAMMIT! I'll show you all! I'm better than him!" Bakugo says while blasting Todoroki's Ice blast away from his face, as a defensive strategy. "I'm sorry Bakugo..." as Todoroki lifts his left hand and starts to produce the flames from his hands, a familiar arm reaches out for both Bakugo and Todoroki's hands.

"WHAT'S THIS, SOMEONE MANAGED TO STOP THESE TWO POWERFUL QUIRK USERS!!!" Present Mic yells while glancing at the arena. "BUT WHO IS IT?!" He asks loudly.



"NO WAY!" Everyone yells out while some gasps in shock.

"IT'S ZERO!" Present Mic yells while finally noticing the last remaining smoke from the almost collision vanishing and revealing Zero.

"Hello... Todoroki..." Zero says while smirking and blasting Bakugo away with Todoroki's forceful flame attack. "We have so much to discuss... you know? Brother to Brother..." Zero says while glancing at him.

"This is Bad..." Iris' Uncle mutters while glancing at Zero and Shoto from the stands.

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