- A L L O F M E -

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(Hey guys, before you read this chapter, I want you all to know... this chapter is only dedicated to a special person who holds an important part in my heart. I can only say this. This Chapter is NOT canon. In other words, this chapter does not connect with the story... anyways, enough blabbering.. I hope you all enjoy my PoV.)

Every single time, I get up in the morning. Could be late, or it could be early, I wake up with the thoughts of her. "Is she okay? Does she need comfort. Did she even manage to wake up..." Those are some of the few questions I have to deal with early in the morning. I somehow always receive that important "hello" text from you. It cheers me up, I hope you know that. Every time, I see your eyes in front of me, I always exchange something, I never imagined myself exchange. A true smile, something I never managed create on my own, but YOU, you managed to just steal one, maybe two, perhaps too many, I lost count of the many times! Day by day. Night by Night. It could even be a random thought of the many times, we both exchanged silly names or the many cuddles we secretly gave each other after all the morning activities that wore us out.

We still talk about how we first met, and we still laugh at the things we did just to catch each other's attention. Well, me more included, while your shyness made you even more cuter, but in my eyes, We knew you also had the sufficient thorns towards the most random people, a random boy flirts with you? You're not afraid to attack. You were going on about your day to your group of friends, emotionless, not happy whatsoever, while I remain breaking my mind little by little due to the heartbreak, I suffered before I met you, till that day came. Tensions grew between you and a thirsty guy, a spark awakened my body, making it move. I gave random signals to my friends and while they dealt with the person who was bothering you, I quickly glance over your pretty dark brown eyes. A spark re-igniting into my heart, my body trembling and my eyes could finally see the colors hiding behind those monotone feelings. As we exchange our names and phone numbers, I grew shy. We gave each other compliments and smiled like goofballs. Later the same day we exchanged our numbers, we went into a deep conversation about each other. Our deepest fears and regrets, our ideas for the future, hell even our fun little trivia's about our favorite things. Eventually we fell in love, just like eventually we tried fake dating. To see how we would react as "normal couples". Obviously, eventually we finally decided to make things official not too long after. It was the best thing that ever occurred in my life. Yet here we are ladies and gents. Yes, me and her have accomplished the impossible, we're hoping to aim for more.

We accomplished One year, 2 months, and 13 days. I say we, because honestly... there's no better place, I can call home, then to being with her. She's honestly the only person I run to when (sadly..) I want to bitch a lot.. I act like a pathetic little baby who just lost his mother at a big mall. I admit, I just love and sometimes feel bad while trying to get her attention. Sometimes I feel bad, because hello... She's MY EVERYTHING if something is wrong with her and I start my bullshit of a random routine (cause yes people, I'm random!) I would feel bad!

Then, she just looks at me with those beautiful dark eyes of hers and make me feel safe, but No! I'm still worried and I keep insisting. Eventually she kinda gets annoyed at this and then something is seriously wrong with her, only for her to not say anything. Perhaps, she doesn't say anything because this time it IS my fault, but then again... she never cares. Sometimes, I do wish I could just... connect my thoughts with hers, so we could understand each other. without saying a single word. I really love it when you smile, you know..? I never managed to really say what's been in my chest, because we're dealing with so many shit... Yet, we're always lifting ourselves up. Honestly, I wish, I could be lifting us up. You always help me, you know that? I never got to say this in person, because honestly... my ego, just loves to eat my pride. You've saved me from so many bullshit, I honestly feel like the girl in the relationship, but honestly, I don't care. As I look at where we both started till now? I can't help but feel happy I got to meet and be in a relationship with someone so, phenomenal. My life will be forever yours.

You know... Iris? Since we both know who i'm trying to reach out for. It's time for me to laugh at my own little secrets and admit defeat. I hope you remember that time I literally broke down in tears that, even I admitted I wanted a hug from you and only you..? I had suicidal thoughts coming back. Remember that recent nightmare? It brought back my overthinking. Remember those words you said? It brought me to tears knowing I was slowly corrupting the only person, I love and care for. Remember Today? I tried making your whole day happy? I failed. I admit it, I failed.

I always try to make your day a bit better, some days we succeed in doing so? Some days we just say fuck it and call it a day. I want to be your happiest hello and goodbye. You mean so much to me you know that..? I hate when we argue, or even say some disrespectful shit towards each other that even we don't mean. You're my life Iris... and yes, I wrote this story to actually hide my stupid whiny tears. I just hope you can relate or understand.. I'm sorry, If I ever did you harm, or made you feel like shit... or etc. i'm sorry for being like this and I know you're trying your best. I just wish, I could actually make you happy without fucking up.

I love you, so so much. 💖


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