- Ichigo, Don't Cry... I love you -

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"The future is scary, but you can't just run back to the past, because it's familiar."  - Unknown.
-2 years later-

    "Ichigo, we have to move!" Shoto says as he tries to protect me, getting in front of me. "B-babe...?" I say as looking at Shoto. "MOVE!" He says back. "Z-Zeldris...?" I slowly get up and move out of the way. "..." silence fills in my mind. "Oh, god... no... Zeldris..." I say while looking around. "Ichigo-Chan! Move! Move! Move!!!" I hear from ahead, as I do what's being said, I quickly look up and see Deku delivering one of his signature moves passed down from generations. 'Detroit smash'... as I look back to Shoto's direction, I see him using his ice quirk, frostbites cover his shoulders. "God... what's going on!" I ask myself as I see an imprisoned Zeldris above me, next to him... a-another deku?! "Why, it is NICE to see you, Ichigo... Looking for your partner? Or should I say... your useless pathetic good for nothing slave..." as he says this, I collapse to my knees and look at the now evil deku. "Uraraka! Grab Ichigo and move!" The true deku says, while Uraraka holds me and we start levitating away from the battlefield. My last glimpse? Was the two deku's colliding.

Ichigo's last glimpse of the battlefield:

Ichigo's last glimpse of the battlefield:

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(Credit to: Madarashin from Tumblr).

    "U-Uraraka, you're crying!" I say to her as I notice her heartbreaking tears flow down to her rosy beat-up cheeks. "I-it's okay! B-Bakugo is strong... so is Deku and the others! I need to remain strong!" She says. "Ochako... what happened to Zeldris!" I ask. "You forgot..? You let him fight Shoto, he pierced his core with an Ice Shard and well... Villain Deku kidnapped him." She says as she starts bringing us down to the safe camp. "Young Mizuchi! Glad to see you're okay!" All-Might says as he quickly vomits blood into a nearby thrash can. "A-All might... not you too.." I say feeling guilt, not only did I kill my partner, but I brung everyone down with me. "Bakugo is trying to fight off Villain Deku with Original Deku, Shoto is trying to fight Dabi, and The rest are trying to fight off the rest of the villains. No signs of All for One..." Uraraka says to All-Might, as the all powerful hero, smiles and closes his eyes shut for a split second then looks up at the ceiling. "Ichigo, I must tell you something... before... I-.."

    "Come on Quirky Deku, I know you can do better than that!" Villain Deku says as the original is one knee on the floor, he quickly smiles then looks at Bakugo, who is sitting all bloody and beat up, his suit all torn. "Deku, Your left, I'll go right. Use your quirk, then i'll try to distract him, so you can deliver the final blow!" Bakugo says as he spits blood on the floor. They exchanged fist bumps and go back to back. "It's so amazing how the Junior Villain Deku, is using that Demon's Powers to fight those two useless worms..." Dabi says to Shoto as they collide fists. "DECAY!" he yells as his blue flames go towards Shoto's Burned face. As Shoto flinches and tries to guard, Momo uses her quirk to use a perfect-timed Shield and looks at Shoto. "Y-you idiot, keep your head in the game..." she says as she's covering her tear full face in a guarded position. "Your girlfriend is counting on you..." she says as she quickly pounces to her usual battle. "Pathetic... You remind me of the old man." Dabi says. "O-old man...?" Shoto asks. "Yes, Shoto Todoroki, Son of Number 2: Hero Endeavor. And Rei Todoroki" Dabi says to Shoto, as he walks towards him. "H-how... HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS!" Shoto says. "Because Shoto... you poor helpless bastard... You and I... Are siblings..." he says as he uses his blue flames to cheap-shot Todoroki. "DAMMIT, FLAME HEAD!" Says Bakugo, as he rushes in and tries to use his explosive quirk to collide with the blue flames. "You're fighting me now!" Bakugo flinches his fists and collides his right fist to his open left arm. "I swore to Ichigo, your head will DE-capitate!" He says as he rushes in with an open left hand. "Nice pun, you spiky hair-bastard. I'll make sure that Ichigo girl, doesn't get her wish, but will have a DECAYED BODY!" Dabi says as he touches Bakugo burning his arm. "KA-CHAN!" Deku rushes in and flicks his middle finger releasing a hard-knocked wind to the dangerous foe. "Are you okay, Ka-Chan!" He asks. "Yes, AND YOU'RE LATE LIKE ALWAYS!" He says while laughing out of fear. "Good... i'll see you later" he says as he goes back to the now awaiting Villain Counterpart. "You fools will never win." Dabi says as he gets up facing at Bakugo. "I'll make you eat those words..." as they both get ready, Uraraka and The Now Open-Minded Ichigo arrive to the battlefield.

    "I'm back..." I say while looking at Uraraka. "We both are... you sure you are ready?" She asks me while putting on her helmet. "You kidding right?" I say while looking at Zeldris. "He is my partner, and I know, I may have gotten him killed but... He is STILL my partner." I say while flinching my fist. "URARAKA, OUT OF THE WAY!" A familiar hot-headed voice says. "B-Bakubabe!" Uraraka says, as she touches him making him float. "Th-Thanks Uravity. Wait... WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" He asks worryingly. "I'm here to help my friends, and you too big guy." She says as she kisses his cheek. "Now go, you have a fight to attend. Go help deku!" She says while pointing at him. "Heh, always bossy I assume. Got you babe." He smirks and gets ready. "Alright, push me!" As he says this, Uraraka pushes him towards deku while placing her finger tips together openly then breathes out releasing him. "Okay, then that leaves me with... SHOTO!" I say worried while rushing to him. "Stop! Let him go!" I demanded the blue flamed demon Dabi. "Or what...?" He asks. "What's a useless pathetic little girl gonna do to me...?" He asks again, only this time walking to my directions. "Shoto, DO SOMETHING DAMMIT, HE IS EVIL, HE LEFT YOU WHEN YOU WERE BEING ABUSED!" I shout at Shoto, sadly... no answer. "Dammit, What a useless boyfriend I have!" I say. "I understand, But you gotta be strong babe! Get up!" I say again. "H-huh, what's going on!" I hear Villain Deku say. "This place is going haywire!" He shouts while Deku and Bakugo nod at each other, understanding what's going on. "DETROIT EXPLOSION SMASH!!!" The duo say while Deku uses his right fist and Bakugo his left and deliver a huge blow to the evil deku. "Pathetic, It's over little girl!" Dabi says as he swifts his hand towards my direction, releasing a huge Blue Fireball. "AHH!" I scream while covering myself. A minute passed, as so I thought. I uncovered my eyes and what I saw, got my mind turn blank. "O-oh good... y-you're okay..." Zeldris says as his body is turned into crisp. "N-no... Z-ZELDRIS!" I shout. "I-... Ichigo... I-it's okay" he says while finally facing towards me. His body turning into black ashes, his eyes lifeless and what used to be his blue eyes turned dark. As I notice all of this, I start to cry. "Ichigo... don't cry..." he says. "I... I love you..." he says while falling back. My eyes widen at his last words and release a painful cry. The world seemed to have stopped, no more body movements, no more chaos. The world took a moment to stop and notice that a loved person has just lost their life. Uraraka rushed in to see what has happened. Villain deku still unconscious, Deku and Bakugo hurried and saw the now decayed brother from heart. Shoto finally aware of what's happening and yell in agony, piercing the now murderous brother's head with an Ice Mountain to the face, then started to burn his whole body with his Flame quirk. Bakugo exploded in anger and grabbed Shoto and started to punch his face yelling "WHY DIDNT YOU HELP HER!" As Deku and Iida try to separate the two. It was just me and Zeldris. "Zeldris... ZELDRIS... ZELDRIS!!!!" I cry while putting my head down on his lifeless body.
-Present Day-

    "Z-Zeldris... Z-Zeldris.. No.." I say. "Yo, Ichigo! Wake up!" As I hear this, I wake up all in tears in the middle of class and I look around. "Geez, Woman... are you okay? You've been calling for me!" He says as he looks at me worried. I quickly hug him and kept crying on his shoulder. "Never leave me!" I say. "... I won't... okay?" He says. "I'll let you two have a moment!" All might says as everyone in the class step aside. As I keep hugging Zeldris, I remain thinking of that horrible nightmare. I will never...

"Let my Partner Die Alone!"

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