- D e p r e s s i o n -

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"Good morning Zero!" Uraraka says while bringing me Breakfast, "you alright?" She asks. As she exchanges a quick smile, she gently opens her eyes and a shocking look can be seen from her face. "Yeah, I'm actually better today!" I say while smiling, ignoring my pain. "U-uhh, W-well, I brought you breakfast, I hope you like it. Anyways I gotta go! If I see Iris, I'll tell her you say hi!" She says while waving goodbye. I simply nodded and decided to eat my breakfast and ignored why she had that shocking look. I finished the food and later on went back to resting.
I slowly wake up from the sounds of static, not sure where it was coming from, but the eerie sound of the static noises started to echo around the room. My back slowly aching and bending a bit while sitting up, my weak woken arms gripping onto the bed, and my eyes staring directly at the ground. As I slowly shook my head and looked around, I gently get up. My head slowly aching in pain, mini migraines covering the front of my mind, I stopped and turned to the direction of the night stand which contained a mirror. As my eyes slowly widen, body starts to tremble and the eerie feeling of static come back to my mind while migraines continues to inflict my head. "Ugh, my head.." I slowly say while staring at the mirror.

"Why are my eyes still like these..?" I ask myself, while my eyes suddenly create a rapid movement. My migraine growing worse and out of the blue, my anxieties kicks in. As I hyperventilate and try to hold my chest, my mind slowly blanking out and eyes fading out. I quickly use my flame quirk to make me snap out of the random paralyzed moment. I quickly start wheezing whilst holding my chest out of fear. Soon, I start removing my upper body clothes, then start to notice the many burns in my body. I quickly cover my mouth and tears began to grow on my eyes. I looked burned enough to look like a walking corpse, I slowly wipe my tears away and look for the pin needle and the strings. As I slowly start stitching my face then body, I gently smile at the thought of the only person who has been keeping me alive. I quickly smile and pulled out my phone and looked at a group picture of us. The Bartender, The owner, The other friends we had there, me and of course... Iris. As I shut my phone off and finish with my stitching, I quickly put on a fake blue eye colored contact on my right eye, slowly covering the purple in my new eye. I quickly hoped in the shower, then get dressed. As I left a note for Uraraka, I quickly step outside and lock the door behind me. After that whole weird morning, I decided to take a stroll around the city. I hope no one gets worried.

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