The End pt.2

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    As I began to hesitate, memories start flooding onto my head, memories such as Iris helping me out, always being there for me, and how she turned me down. Anger fills the very course of my veins, one enemy coming to my head, Shoto. As I look at Ichigo dead in her eye, she backs away slowly. "I'll take that as a No, but it's alright you have all the rights to be mad at me and not forgive me, I mean... I left for ye-..." I quickly stop her, and gently concentrated my energy into the palm of my hand, igniting my quirk on the palm of my hand. "What's your quirk..." I asked while glaring at her. "You're asking this now?!" She sighs while smiling. "You never change do you, do you want to fight right now..." she asks, her face now beginning to turn red. As I realize what she's talking about, I quickly shook my head and got flustered on her blunt answer. "Zero, chill out.. I'm just teasing you." As she replies, her body gets covered in Blue mystique mist, as if a vortex arrived out of nowhere and swallowed her whole.

As I watch her, my mind drifts away from reality, only one question comes into my head, Iris. As I slowly breathe in then out, I hear the sound of a distorted Lion roaring in the distance. "What the..." I ask while looking both sides, as I stared at where Ichigo used to be, a mysterious new Aura surrounds the ambience. As the blue mist began to vanish, the Aura gets slowly absorbed into Ichigo's skin, "So, what do you think?" She asks while looking at me.

 As the blue mist began to vanish, the Aura gets slowly absorbed into Ichigo's skin, "So, what do you think?" She asks while looking at me

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    "Y-you, uh... look good!" I say while looking away, her eyes piercing through my mind as if she knew what I was thinking. As she coughs and looks at her reflection in the mirror, she sighs quietly. "I heard Iris dumped you, and that she's pregnant..." she says quietly, knowing Endeavor is on the other side of the room. As my eyes began tearing up, I look to the side but smile at her obvious question. "H-huh, y-yeah... She's also engaged!" I say trying to hold myself up. "You were always the worse liar... come here." She says while opening her arms.

    As I walked towards her to hug her, her aura began to spread around the room, as if it were a barrier. "Perfect... Alright listen to me." She says while caressing my face. "I... I apologize for leaving you like that, worried and broken. I shouldn't have accepted that mission from Endeavor." As she says this my heart drops. "D-did you just say... Endeavor?" I ask while backing away from the hug a little bit, just enough to still be in her arms, but see her face. "Yes love, the mission was to infiltrate the League of Villains, and Murder All for One. As you can see, we failed-yet won with some information. In the battle, Toga took my blood and used her quirk to transform as me, and KNEW you were gonna come over to Deku's house due to training, thus seeing '"us" making out..." as she sighed and looked at me, her lips began shaking, and eyes began swollen. "A-are you... crying?" I ask, while touching her face. "Although my mercenary days aren't over, yes... It hurt me when I found out that you almost demolished a whole city, just because of Toga's doing." She says while breathing in then out.

    "I still gotta go back to work, that's why I brought Endeavor into looking for you. This mission is the hardest one, but right after I accomplish it... I'll be free, and we can be together again!" She says while sniffing, rubbing her left eye, while holding my hand. I stood quiet for a whole second, which felt like hours, until I sighed and looked at Ichigo. "You know Ichigo, I have gone through hell and back, fought the Symbol of Evil, gone under ferocious training, met old friends, met new friends, and even found a backstabbing piece of shit, someone I can call a rival, and now this war?" I say while tearing up, my body slowly shaking due to my emotions altering. "And all this talking about Family, Iris, Shoto, Endeavor and this fucking mission, what's your intention, WHY ARE YOU BACK AFTER SO MANY YEARS!" I yell while holding my chest, my eyes slowly drifting down and releasing my anger onto my tears. "You have every right to be mad at me, but... if you don't believe me, then ATTACK ME! I DESERVE IT!" She yells while going back into her regular form and opening her arms, leaving her wide open. "No, Say or Show me something I know, but no one else does!" I yell back while getting into stance.

    As she looks both sides and sigh, she slowly looks down at her leggings. "Ugh, Fine!" As she slowly looks at the door then look down in embarrassment, she slowly pulls down her leggings and panties, to the side of her bare right thigh. As I stare at the 'Zero' tattoo in her thigh, I chuckled in embarrassment. "You actually did it... when was this?" I ask while staring at it. "I did it the night, I vanished to that mission, so I can remember you every time I feel like giving up." As she says this, my face turned red, and my heart skipped a beat. "Ichigo, wh-..." as I was about to finish my sentence, a loud knock stopped us. "What is it..." she says while looking at the door while lifting her leggings and panties back on her waist. "You got one more hour, make it count..." Endeavor says while looking at Ichigo. As Ichigo lifts her right hand, showed three fingers up and raised her left hand in a fist, as Endeavor sighs, he slowly walks away. "An hour... that'll be perfect." She says while looking my way.

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