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Draco Malfoy arrived around the same time as the Weasleys did. He completely ignored them. Ronald Weasley, the second to youngest of the Weasleys, was getting ready to cross over to the Hogwarts Express for the first time. Ronald liked to be called Ron for short. His brothers, Fred and George; twins, were getting ready to crossover for the second time. 

Harry was walking over to Mrs. Weasley when Ronald was getting ready to crossover. Draco who was walking up behind them walked to the post holding up the station. He backed up slightly and moved to the left a little until he was perfectly lined up. Harry walked over to Draco and asked how to get to the train Draco lined Harry up and got ready to run.

"Follow what I do. Then you'll end up at the express." Draco said to Harry not to happy but not to sad. He tried to avoid the sunlight. He was afraid he would sparkle. Draco was a vampire. He was an enchanted vampire. Enchanted vampires can transform themselves into anything they want as long as is was an animal or human/witch or wizard. 

When they crossed over Harry thanked Draco and started to walk a few inches and turned back to face Draco. "I'm Harry Potter." he introduced himself to Draco. Draco stared at Harry's outstretched hand and grabbed it to shake it.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. It's a pleasure to meet you Harry." Draco said shaking Harry's hand and let go. Draco walked over to the train and got on. Harry shortly followed after Ronald greeted him.

"I would stay away from him. Draco is no good. I'm Ronald Weasley, but you can call me Ron." Ronald stated as he walked past Harry to join his brothers.

Harry walked to the train and sat in an empty compartment and fell asleep. He remained sleeping even when Draco walked back to tell him that it was time to get into their robes for Hogwarts. Draco saw Harry sleeping and let him sleep for a little while later.

"Hey, Harry wake up." Draco said lightly trying to wake up Harry. Harry woke up and seen Draco in front him. Then he seen Ronald in the window and pushed Draco away. Draco stared at him. "I thought we were friends, Potter." Draco said confused.

"Well you thought wrong, Malfoy. We are not friends." Harry said. Draco heard Harry's voice go down a little in sadness. "Go away, Malfoy!!" Harry yelled loud enough for just the two plus Ronald to hear. Draco walked out of the compartment.

"Don't expect to be my friend ever again, Potter." Draco stated and walked away.

Ronald walked into the compartment. "You made the right choice. Do you want to be friends." Ronald acted like he had nothing to do with what just happened. Harry started to cry slightly. As Draco was walking back to talk to Pansy and Blaise, who were for some reason sitting in the back, saw Harry crying a little. He glared at Ronald who smiled at him.

Harry got off the train ignoring both Ronald and Draco. He walked toward Hagrid, who was waiting for them, and climbed into a boat. Draco, Pansy, and Blaise were sitting in a boat together. Draco had a jacket on with the hood up which made Harry raise an eyebrow. 

Draco's friends, Pansy and Blaise, were also enchanted vampires. They were wearing the jackets too along with their hoods up. Pansy looked over at Harry who seemed to be crying in his lap. Draco looked over and saw Harry crying in his lap. Draco started to worry.

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