The First Day of Classes

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Draco and Harry were up early in the morning to get ready. Draco woke up and the first thing he did was brush his teeth. Harry first grabbed a comb and tried his best to comb his hair out. Draco saw Harry doing that and walked over to him. He took his hand and messed up Harry's hair.

"Hey!! Why did you do that?" Harry asked angrily. Draco just stared and shrugged. Harry stared at Draco who was now brushing his hair. Harry couldn't stand it and he took a love potion and gave it to Draco and told him "Draco this is my medicine and I trust you to give it to me when I tell you to." Draco stared at Harry with a raised eyebrow. 

"Okay. I'll only give it to you when you ask." Draco responded strangely. he continued to stare at Harry. He turned to walk toward hi dresser and get his robes. Harry did the same. He grabbed his bag and walked to the common room. Draco followed the exact thing Harry did. 

Harry was standing in the common room all alone for awhile. He got out a small book and started to write in it. He looked at his book and smiled at what he wrote. Right as he was drawing in the book Draco walked down the stairs. He walked over to Harry and tried to look at what Harry was drawing but failed to see the picture.

"Draco what are you doing?" Harry asked him as he tried to look at the picture. Harry closed his book and put it in his bag.

"Nothing. I was seeing if you were ready to head to the Great Hall for breakfast." Draco managed to lie. Harry sensed that Malfoy lied. "Okay okay. I can't lie to you. I was trying to see what you were drawing." Malfoy decided to be honest.

When they were sitting in the Great Hall Harry waited a few minutes until there were enough people in the Great Hall to tell Draco "Okay I'm supposed to have my medicine now." Draco grabbed the medicine out of his bag. "Malfoy, can you give me my medicine? Once I give it to someone to keep track of I can't touch it again until after I have it." Harry lied.

"Sure. Why not? I mean you did trust me with this even though we're not friends, Potter." Malfoy stated bringing up the topic about Ronald forcing him to stop being friends with Malfoy. Harry cried a little. "Are you okay, Potter?" he asked concerned.

"This is why I need the medicine. I cry for no reason and well my aunt and uncle got tired of it so they made me start taking this." Harry lied again but with a little more catch to it. Draco nodded understanding. Harry smiled at Draco through his tears.

Draco told Harry to come closer so he wouldn't spill it all over the floor. Harry did so. Draco poured 1/4 of the bottle into Harry's mouth. Harry closed his eyes while he developed the potion so Draco wouldn't his eyes change quickly. Harry opened his eyes and looked at Draco in the eyes.

Draco looked at Harry. "Why are you looking at me like that, Potter?" Draco asked a slight bit concerned. Harry jumped at Draco and wrapped his arms around Draco's neck.

"Malfoy, you look enchanting today. You always look enchanting." Harry said to Draco. Draco looked shocked. As soon as Harry felt there was a lot of eyes on them from what Harry said he went for the complete embarrassment for Draco. Harry leaned in closer to Draco's face and was 3 inches away from touching Draco's lips. Draco's eyes widened. 

"Potter, what are you doing?" Draco said as he realized that what Harry had given him was a love potion. He looked at Harry waiting for an answer, but he got nothing. "Pot-Harry, if you were in love with me then why didn't you tell me instead of going through the effects of the potion?" Draco got concerned about it now. He felt like his heart was going to melt. 

Harry was 2 inches away from Draco's lips at this point. Draco shut his mouth before Harry shut him up. Draco stared wide-eyed at Harry. Harry got to close to Draco's lips. Draco gave up on trying to get Harry to tell him why he did what he did with the love potion. Draco closed his eyes and pressed his lips to Harry's. Harry was now wide-eyed. He didn't actually want to kiss Draco or anyone for that matter.

Draco let go of Harry's waist because he wrapped his hands around his waist when he kissed Harry. Draco actually never kissed anyone before and neither did Harry. Their first kiss ever was with each other. Draco actually liked it. Harry was surprised by it. 

Harry got up out of his seat and ran to the boys bathroom. He actually really did like Draco, but he didn't know what he was going to do to tell him. Harry ignore his feelings all day. Every now and then someone would come up to him and ask if he and Malfoy were dating and he would deny it no matter how much he wanted to say they were dating.

Draco did not ignore the feeling he had stuck inside him all day long. Draco wanted to accept Harry as a boyfriend, but he got to many questions about it. Draco ignored everyone throughout the day. He wanted to sit by Harry, but he guessed he rather not. He didn't want to get rejected, again.

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