Summer Vacation

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Draco and Harry  woke up early to see the sunlight shining on Harry making him sparkle. Draco smiled at Harry and Harry kissed Draco. Draco was the most happiest person alive. Harry thought that there could be more side effects from the transformation. Harry knew he could teleport to anywhere his heart wants to be, and he has the ability to make whatever he wants come true. He did bring his parents back from the dead and they were alive and real. Sirius was out of azkaban and Remus got what he wanted so much because of Harry. Remus got to be with Sirius forever. Draco however couldn't do the things Harry could, so he just guessed it was side effects from the transformation. 

"Harry, I love you." Draco said while Harry got out of bed to brush his hair just for Draco to mess up again. Draco walked over to Harry and messed up his hair and smiled. Draco turned Harry around and kissed him. Harry kissed Draco back. 

"I love you too, Draco." Harry said and kissed Draco again. Draco started to brush his hair when Harry went to wash his face. Alisa walked into harry's room and asked if she could borrow a hair brush for her hair. Draco gave hair the extra hair brush on Harry's vanity. Alisa thanked him and wondered off to one of the guest rooms. Luna asked if any of her hair clips were left in Harry's room because she was missing three and they were playing games in Harry's room last. 

"I wonder how they keep losing their stuff?" Draco asked concerned. Harry looked at him and smiled then shrugged. "That is so weird they're always losing their stuff." Lily appeared in the doorway and stared at the two. Harry didn't realize his mother was standing in the doorway. Draco was to busy brushing his hair to even notice Lily. 

"Come on you two we're going out to eat for breakfast." Lily said as she gave a quick smile. Draco and Harry were both startled by Lily standing in the doorway. Draco finished brushing his hair and got changed. Harry got changed grabbed his bag and headed down stairs. Draco followed. Alisa and Luna were already downstairs and waiting for Harry and Draco. Lily grabbed her bag and headed out the door. James followed. Alisa and Luna went out the door last. 

After they all ate breakfast the headed for gringotts bank. Lily took some money out of their family safe and waited on the front steps of gringotts. Draco and Alisa entered the gringotts bank cell for the Malfoy family. Alisa brought out three hand fulls and Draco brought out a small sized bag filled. They six of them headed back to the house and stayed there the rest of the day. 

"I wonder what life would be like if our families got along?" Harry wondered. he turned his head toward Draco and Draco shrugged. Harry kissed Draco and Draco kissed Harry back. "Your parents would probably let us be together." Harry said after 10 minutes of silence. Draco smiled and laughed a little at what Harry said. 

"I guess. They don't really like the whole idea of me being with 'the golden boy'." Draco said sarcastically. Harry laughed a  little bit. Draco would love it if his parents would accept the fact that he was now dating the 'golden boy'. Draco smiled and kissed Harry. Harry kissed Draco back. 

"It would be great if they accepted the fact that we're together." Harry said sadly. Draco saw that Harry was getting sad and started to comfort Harry. "Draco, have you ever wondered why my powers are different from yours?" Harry asked curiously. Draco nodded trying not to move while he warmed Harry up.

"All the time, Harry." Draco said. Harry seemed to notice that Draco was trying not to move and decided to lay down on Draco's lap. "I love you Harry." Draco said happily and cheerfully. Harry smiled at Draco and Draco kissed him. Harry kissed Draco back. "I just can't wait to go back to Hogwarts." Draco said randomly. Harry nodded at what Draco said showing he couldn't wait to go back either. 

"I love you too, Draco." Harry said happily and joyfully. Draco smiled at Harry. Lily walked into the living room ,where Harry was laying on Draco's lap, with two plates of apple pie. Draco saw the apple pie and picked it up and started eating it. Harry started eating the other slice that was there. 

3 days later

The letters saying that Harry, Draco, Alisa, and Luna can go back to Hogwarts the next year. This was their last year at Hogwarts and they might as well enjoy it the best they can. Alisa was rushing around everyday making sure she had everything from home with her. Luna calmly searched her room. She soon came across a bunch of things needed for Hogwarts. The four of them will go in a few days to get the rest of their stuff.

Draco walked over to Harry calmly and kissed him. Harry kissed Draco back. Alisa and Luna awed. Lily smiled proudly at how much her son has changed from the shy person went he finally met his parents to bold and brave and not afraid of anything. Draco was proud to call Harry his boyfriend. 

A couple of days later the four of them went to get the rest of their stuff and headed back to the house to stay warm. Lily stopped at gringotts bank on the way back. James and the others usually head back to the house before Lily gets done in gringotts.

The four of them headed for the train two weeks later and played a bunch of games on the way to Hogwarts. Alisa sat with Summer to keep her company and because she loved her. Summer told Alsia that she loved her and Alisa came clean about her feelings for Summer. Soon enough Summer and Alsia were dating. Blaise and Neville started dating over summer break. Pansy was dating the hufflepuff Cedric Diggory. Luna started Dating Ginny soon after the got on the train. Now Seamus has a problem about how to come clean about his feelings for Dean. 

A/N: Hey guys!! Last chapter in this part. The story will continue on in part two of this story 'Vampire's Sweetheart'. I also have another story in progress so yea this is going to be fun. I get all my ideas throughout the day went I'm at school. The next part of this story is going to have a character named April. She has red hair and blue eyes. Okay well I hope you enjoyed this part of the story. The next part of the story will be starting soon so keep an eye out for that.
~Draco Malfoy

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