Train Back to Hogwarts

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Draco, Harry, and Alisa got to the train. Hermione and Ronald were there already. Summer and Silvia were talking by a post. Harry saw the chance to get on the train. He pulled Draco over to the train and found an empty compartment. They sat down and then Ronald came into the compartment. 

"Harry, I told you to stay away from him. He's not worth anything." Ronald said. "Even worse you like him. You are on terrible person." Ronald was starting to make Draco mad because he was talking about him. Harry was also mad not only because Ronald was trying to tell him how to control his life but because Draco and he can't ever get time to themselves.

"Listen weasel, you don't control my life and your not the one who's in love with him. Don't try me I can use magic now because we're not at home anymore."  Harry completely lost it and Draco even backed up a little. Ronald wasn't very happy. 

"I wasn't telling you how to live your life. I'm just saying that Draco is not worth it and he's nothing but a prat." Ronald snapped back at Harry. "Also I'm not a weasel. Your just like the Malfoys." Ronald was a little sad that Harry couldn't be his friend.

"What's wrong with being a Malfoy?" A familiar voice said from behind Ronald. Ronald turned around and there stood Alisa. "There is nothing wrong with my family. What the bloody hell is wrong with you. Oh wait you're a Weasley." Alisa said. Harry and Draco was surprised to hear those words coming out of Alisa's mouth. She was more hufflepuff than anything but now she seemed like a slytherin. 

Hermione came back and saw that Ronald was bothering them. "Ronald, stop bothering them please." she said in a complaining voice. Ronald always listened to her when her voice was complaining to him. He left the Malfoys alone. (Harry will be know as a Malfoy to me and nothing will change that.) 

Harry sat down and smiled at Alisa. She smiled back and looked at Draco after. Draco seemed tired and Harry noticed. He slid over closer to Draco to make sure he didn't fall over. Alisa left the compartment noticing that Draco was going to fall over onto Harry's shoulder. Draco did and didn't move. Harry smiled at the sleeping soul that was now in his lap. 

Harry fell asleep after 15 minutes of Draco being asleep on him. Draco and he were laying down facing the same direction. Draco was on the outside of the seat while Harry was against the back of the seat. Harry and Draco were sound asleep. They knew that they would be asleep forever. The warmness of them both made them comfortable. 

10 minutes before they got to Hogwarts they woke up and got ready to go into the place they knew for so long. Harry finished getting ready first then Draco. Draco grabbed Harry's hand and pulled Harry close to him. Harry was now tall enough that he didn't half to stand on his tip-toes. Draco kissed Harry and Harry kissed back. The two of them danced around the compartment for about 5 minutes. Then they kissed again before getting off the train and joining their friends. Harry walked over to Summer, Silvia, and Alisa. Draco walked over to Pansy, Blaise, and his followers, Crabbe and Goyle. 

The two of them enjoyed having time to themselves. Ronald and Hermione stood beside each other. Silvia grabbed Hermione's wrist and Ronald's wrist and put them together. Ronald was now holding Hermione's hand. Hermione didn't mind and neither did Ronald. Draco walked over to Harry, Summer, Silvia, and Alisa and kissed Harry on the lips. Silvia awed, Summer lit up in happiness, and Alisa took a picture and awed at the same time. Harry kissed Draco back. Draco walked away after. 

Hermione and Ronald kissed before getting on the carriages. Draco and Harry rode in the same carriage. Draco smiled at Harry and Harry smiled back and kissed Draco. The two looked so cute together. Before Draco and Harry went into Hogwarts they kissed one more time. Draco adored how Harry would let him close to him at all times no matter what others say. Alisa was happy that her brother found someone to love and someone that loves him back. Harry was just happy that he didn't have to deal with the Dursleys if he didn't want to. Draco and Harry loved each other but never made it official on their relationship. They will always love each other. 

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