Harry's summer

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Harry woke up in the common room the next morning and realized it was the last day. He got sad because he wanted to stay with Draco. He's going to have to deal with the Dursleys  soon and he didn't want to go back.

Draco felt a little better after waking up. He looked around until he realized that he was sleeping in the common room. Harry was right next to him when he lifted his head. Draco smiled and then immediately frowned. Harry wasn't smiling and Draco just realized that it was the last day of 3rd  year. 

"Harry...are you okay? You know you can see me after summer, right?" Draco asked concerned. Harry looked at him and smiled slightly. 

"Yea, I know that. It's just I have to go back to the Dursleys today." Harry said more sad than ever. Draco lit up and got an idea. "What are you thinking Draco? I know that face you're thinking of something." Harry said as he saw Draco light up. 

"Harry, if anything goes bad over the summer write me a letter and I'll come and get you myself, okay." Draco said reassuring Harry.  Harry gave a quick smile and headed to the dormitory to get his stuff pack and grab Hedwig. Draco followed him and got his stuff as well. 

"Draco, I think this might be the best summer ever." Harry said still smiling. Draco smiled back and left the dormitory. Harry followed Draco this time. The two of them stayed together and didn't split apart. Silvia was close behind them both. It was to later in the year for her to be expelled. She hated that Draco was a pureblood wizard and a full blood enchanted vampire. 

"You two are so weird and disgusting." Silvia said as she pushed her way past them. Draco got mad and Harry was calming him down. A girl that was a hufflepuff came over to them. She was almost the sweetest hufflepuff you could meet. 

"My name is Summer, and don't listen to her she's not the nicest vampire you could meet." the little hufflepuff girl said. She smiled at Harry and Draco. Summer walked away and got on the train. Harry and Draco walked to the train and found an empty compartment.

"Summer seems nice." Harry said pointing out the obvious. Draco looked at and smiled. "Draco I don't know how this is going to be during the summer, but I'm going to guess that the Dursleys are going to torture me." Harry wasn't smiling anymore. Draco was not worried about it until..."Draco they won't let me write letters. I just remembered that." Harry was about to cry. 


Draco and Harry walked off the train. Summer ran over to a post and leaned against it. She was waiting for someone. Silvia ran over to her. Harry saw Silvia talking to Summer. Summer laughed at something that Silvia said. 

"Silvia you can't go biting people out in public like that. We are the next leaders. You can't do that." Summer was telling Silvia. Harry saw the Dursleys a good bit of a distance away waiting for Harry...until Dudley spotted him and told his parents. Harry saw that, while Draco watched as the Dursleys headed straight for Harry. 

Silvia turned and walked away from Summer rolling her eyes. Summer watched the Dursleys. Harry backed away and moved to the side. Draco watched at Dudley and his friends started to bother Harry. Harry walked over to Draco.

"Bye, and I'll try to write." Harry said hugging Draco. Ronald and Hermione watched them. Ronald rolled his eyes, while Hermione awed. Summer watched and then smiled. Draco looked at Harry and smiled.

"Try, Harry. I'm sure it'll work adventally." Draco assured Harry. The Petunia walked over to Harry pulling him away from Draco. "Hey!! Be careful. You should care for the things you raise." Draco scolded her. Petunia stared at Draco. 

"YOU DO NOT TELL ME HOW TO TAKE CARE OF MY NEPHEW." Petunia yell at Draco. Harry got mad at her. Draco was glaring at her. Harry knew what was going to happen next. He knew that if someone got on his nerves Silvia would hurt them, but this time it wasn't Silvia. Summer walked over to them. She stood mad.

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