The Vampire Reveal

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Harry looked at Draco noticing he was sparkling. Draco stared at Harry waiting for him to scream, but he didn't. Harry smiled instead of screaming. He kissed Draco again. 

"Draco, don't forget what your here to do." the two of them heard Silvia say. Harry looked at her and stared blankly at her. Draco's eyes filled with tears. " You know what to do now. You had your fun now do what your supposed to." Silvia didn't seem happy that an enchanted vampire is in love with a common half-blood wizard.

"Silvia, I don't want to do it." Draco said. Silvia glared at him and walked over and showed her fangs to Harry as to indicate the he was supposed to be scared.

"Um...your a vampire!? I was always told they don't exist." Harry said showing an interest in her fangs. Draco pushed Silvia away before she was able to get close to Harry. He pulled out his wand and threatened to hurt anyone who got their fangs close to Harry. 

"Stay away!! Your not going to hurt him." Draco wasn't happy with how Silvia tried to bite Harry after showing him her fangs. "I'm proud for him to be here and it's going to stay like that." Draco wasn't very happy and probably wouldn't be happy after what just happened. 

"Draco what was that?" Harry asked. Draco looked at Harry realizing that he just stood up to the enchanted vampire princess. "Draco, are you okay?" Harry asked concerned. He walked over closer to Draco. He reached his lips to touch Draco's. Harry immediately calmed Draco down by this. Silvia was mad at how Draco just stood up to her.

"DRACO MALFOY, HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!!" Sliva screamed. She was so mad you could almost hear her by the greenhouses. "Draco you also know better and you know what to do now. Go on Draco do it. My parents will be mad at you if you don't do it at once." Silva got into how mad her parents would be and adored how that would usually work, but it didn't work with Draco.

"Well your parents can deal with this. Blaise what does the book about 'Vampires' Day'?" Draco asked Blaise. Blaise looked at Draco knowing what he was doing and smiled.

"Well the book says that 'if an enchanted vampire glows when they find their 'special someone' they can chose to harm them or to leave them alone'. That's what the book says. That means Draco doesn't have to do it." Blaise explained the rules of an enchanted vampires' love of someone. Draco smirked at that. Harry's eyes widened. Pansy rolled her eyes and smiled. Silvia just got mad, so mad that she nearly went crazy and killed Harry herself. 

"I can have that rule changed. I will get it changed at once." Silvia said frustrated. Draco was still smirking, Blaise and Pansy were smiling, and Harry was still stunned by the way Blaise said 'special someone'. 

"Silvia, you can't change the rules that have been around for millions of years." Draco told her making her even more mad. "Your parents can't even change them. If you tried to change the rules the person who tried to change the rules will die." he explained that more simply than any thing could be said. 

"That's just a myth Draco. It's not real. I can change it if I want. I don't want a half enchanted vampire because of you." Silvia said more annoyed than she has ever been with Draco and his friends. "Don't even try that with my parents. They wouldn't believe you at all Draco." Silvia almost had enough to explode. "YOU'RE A MONSTER, DRACO. YOU'RE A MONSTER." Silvia screamed just loud enough for the group to hear. Draco looked almost like he was going to cry.

"Why in the bloody hell would you say that, Silvia?" Harry asked. Harry wasn't happy that she was treating Draco like that. "Silvia if Draco's a monster then so are you, because you're the exact same thing he is. Draco is not a monster. Even if he was I would still h...h...h...him." Harry stuttered the last few words. He hadn't said those words before...or not while Draco's around at least. 

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