The Fun Begins

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Harry woke up early in the morning. Draco was peacefully sleeping on his bed. Harry stayed as quiet as he could. He grabbed a comb and started combing his hair. Draco woke up while Harry was combing his hair. Draco frowned he walked over to Harry and messed up his hair. 

"Hey what was that for?" Harry asked playfully. Draco laughed a little. He smiled at Harry and Harry smiled back. Draco hardly ever used his power to change his appearance. 

"I don't know, maybe because you look better with your messy hair." Draco said playfully. Harry laughed. Draco kissed Harry. Harry kissed Draco back. They smiled at each other. Draco loved Harry and Draco just wished that the truth wasn't running somewhere inside him. He couldn't find the truth of his feelings. 

Harry hugged Draco. Draco knew what to do and knew exactly how to come to the conclusion. Draco backed up and sat down in a chair. He pulled Harry with him. He got close to Harry and whispered in his ear, "I love you, Harry." Harry looked at Draco and smiled happily. Initially Harry thought it was just him who had a crush on Draco. Harry pulled Draco up out of the chair and started to slowly dance with Draco. 

Alisa was wide awake and ready to head to Hogwarts. Draco was kind of worried now that people know about him and Harry. Alisa often bothered her brother, but not so much Harry. She was super nice to Harry. Alisa can be mean when she doesn't get what she wants. Draco loves his little sister and adores her for her kind and caring ways of protecting her friends and family from bad things. 

"Draco!! Harry!! Come here I need your help!!" Alisa shouted loud enough so she wouldn't wake up everyone in the dormitories. Draco and Harry were helping her in no time. The two boys got along with Alisa, but Alisa had her favorite. Harry was more than likely to be her favorite. She considered him family. "Thank you for your help." Alisa needed her hair brushed and needed help finding her robes. Both of the boys smiled at her and nodded. 

Draco sat down feeling slightly tired. Harry walked over to him and kissed him making Draco happy and Draco kissed back. Alisa was happy that her brother could finally be happy with someone. She smiled and sat down in a chair and started to read. 

Harry couldn't stay awake so he walked over to Draco, who was sitting in a chair, and laid his head on Draco's lap, which startled Draco. Draco got comfortable quickly though. He was starting to get used to Harry sleeping on his lap or shoulder. Draco smiled and ran his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry was comfortable laying on Draco's lap. 

Harry woke up 25 minutes later to comb his hair a little bit. and get ready to leave for classes. Draco was sitting in the chair reading a book. Alisa was rushing around. Harry thought that the day could be worse but he wasn't going to jinx them today so he kept his mouth shut. 

Alisa was in to much of a rush she ended up moving Draco from the chair to standing right beside Harry. She pushed Harry and Draco trying to find all of her stuff and put it in her bag. Before Draco and Harry knew what she was rushing around for and why she pushed them the two of them were kissing. Harry didn't mind and neither did Draco, but they both liked if the kiss was planned by one of them and not Alisa.

Alisa looked at Harry and Draco. Her eyes turned yellow (happy). She smiled. Harry noticed her eyes change from silver to yellow. Draco knew it was natural. Alisa walked out of the common room and head to her first class. Draco and Harry guided her to the Great Hall for breakfast first. Once the three of them were there Draco spotted Pansy and Blaise sitting in their normal spot. Summer and Silva were in two different houses so Summer always sat with Silva at the slytherin table, until the schedule was passed out. Harry and Draco held hands the entire time and right before they left the Great Hall Harry and Draco kissed and went to their first class.

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