The Transformation

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Harry woke up on a Sunday morning with the sun shining in his face. He looked in the mirror and noticed he was sparkling. Harry screamed which woke up the only person left in the dormitory. Draco stared at the now sparkling Harry after being woke up by a scream.

"Harry what happened?" Draco asked curiously. staring at Harry. Harry shrugged. "I thought you couldn't be effected!?" Draco said surprised. Harry sat down in a chair and closed his eyes to remember what happened. 

"Draco, I don't think this is from the bite. How many times have we kissed or confessed our love?" Harry asked curiously. Draco stared at him and tried to calculate how many times it was.

"Kissed at least 12 times and confessed 2 times." Draco answered after calculating it. He looked at Harry and realized the same conclusion that Draco had came to. Next thing they know the two of the, are outside by a tree.  "Did you just teleport us outside?" Draco asked concerned. Harry shrugged assuming that his powers were just starting.

Harry and Draco sat by the lake for a good bit of time. Harry looked back at the castle. He saw someone running toward them. It was a slytherin. The slytherin was a little girl and blonde. Harry knew who it was. It was Alisa running toward them to tell them that they were missing breakfast. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and rushed to the castle to get changed. They headed to the Great Hall after they were done changing. Alisa started talking about how there was someone that she liked. She gave no hints on who it was though. 

Alisa, Draco, and Harry were eating and not talking when a blonde haired ravenclaw walked over to them. "Hey Alisa!!" the ravenclaw sweetly and excitedly. Alisa turned and recognized the girl instantly. Alisa stood up and hugged the girl. 

"Hi Luna!!" Alisa said back to the ravenclaw girl. Luna looked at Draco and waved. She turned her head to see Harry. Luna's mouth hung open now. "Oh...Luna this is my brother Draco and that's his 'boyfriend' Harry." Alisa said her eyes changing to a bright yellow. Luna smiled at the two of the boys and turned back to Alisa.

"Are you excited for the Holidays?" Luna asked to all three of them. Alisa nodded, Draco shrugged, and Harry shook his head realizing that was why they didn't have classes that day. Draco looked at Harry confused. Luna looked shocked. Alisa seen this as a normal thing so she didn't do anything by sigh. "Why not?" Luna asked Harry. 

"I'm going to my annoying aunt and uncle's place for the Holidays." Harry responded. Luna looked at him with a sad look and sighed. Draco pulled Harry into a hug. Harry smiled slightly when Draco did so. Harry closed his eyes and thought about what it would be like to have his parents back. Next thing the four of them (Luna, Harry, Alisa, and Draco) were teleported to Godric's Hollow. 

Harry stared at the walls of the building and they were perfect. Draco walked over to Harry after fixing his own hair. Luna and Alisa were surprised. They can tell Alisa was surprised her eyes were a purplish color. Luna was confused of how they got there so quickly seeing that they were just in the Great Hall. Alisa knew Draco wasn't allowed to use his powers for teleporting around and out of Hogwarts, and Alisa's powers were too weak to teleport anyone anywhere she was still learning how to use her powers correctly. 

"How did we get here?" Alisa and Luna asked at the same time. The two girls looked at each other confused then at Draco and Harry. Draco turned to Harry and stared at him. Harry seemed to be shocked himself. What Harry seemed to remember though was that the house they were standing in was burnt and destroyed when Voldemort attacked. "More importantly, where are we?" Alisa asked in concern and wonderment. 

"We're...we're...we're in my old home. The one where I got my scar." Harry answered Alisa's question with a stutter. Draco stared wide-eyed at Harry. Luna looked shocked and surprise. Alisa thought that Harry was joking but didn't laugh. 

"You're kidding right, Harry?" Draco asked nervously. Harry shook his head and then they all realized this wasn't a joke. Alisa stared at the house which was supposed to be destroyed on the inside. Then the four of them heard footsteps and muffled voices. Harry tried to see if any of the voices were familiar, of what her heard none of the voices were familiar. Draco did the same and again no familiar voices. 

The footsteps got louder, and so did the voices. "You should really stop with your pranks both of you. And Remus YOU of all people should know not to support their pranks." Harry heard and soft but stern voice say. Draco heard it too. Luna and Alisa looked at each other and gulped. "Oh come on you know you love it when me and Sirius pull off our pranks." Harry heard another voice, but this one was more cheerful and playful. Draco hugged Harry just incase anything happened. "Please, let them be them." Harry heard a more Hermione Granger tone in but it was a male's voice. 

"Draco what did my powers do?" Harry asked in a whisper that only he and Draco heard. Luna and Alisa stayed quiet. "I want to know what they did. The names I'm hearing from the conversations, there familiar. I heard names like Remus and Sirius." Harry said just as softly as he did before. 

"I think your desire to have your parents brought them back to life." Draco answered the first question and continued, "and those names are familiar because Remus was our defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in third year." Harry then realized that his parents weren't immune and he told Draco to bite them so they can live forever with Harry. 

"Shh...I hear something. Remus come here. I need your analyzing on this." Harry heard the cheerful and playful voice again it was loud though like it was in the same room as he was. Remus did exactly what the other had told him. He also heard something which turned out to be Luna and Alisa eating a bag of chips. 

Draco waved and so did Harry. "Hi, I'm Draco Malfoy." Draco said introducing himself to the four people in front of him. Luna, Alisa, and Harry waved to them. "This is my sister Alisa, that's her friend Luna, and this is..." Draco was interrupted. 

"We know who he is. I mean we should he's our little hero." Said the girl with a sweet voice. "We are his parents." Harry's face lit up. Alisa was shocked. Luna was happy that Harry finally got to see his parents. Draco was always there even if Harry didn't need him. 

"You're my parents?!" Harry said a little bit surprised. "But you guys died when...when...when he attacked." Draco gave Harry's parents a quick smile saying an apology. Then Draco turned toward Harry and kissed him. Harry kissed Draco back. Sirius and Remus stood proud, while Lily admired their affection. James started crying tears of joy. 

"Yes, Harry James Potter we are your parents. And when were you going to tell Remus and Sirius about your relationship?" Lily asked. "Oh that reminds me you all introduced yourselves so we might as well do that to. I'm Lily, that's James my husband, the one with the long black hair is Sirius, and the one reading a book is Remus." Lily said introducing all of them. James, Sirius, and Remus waved at them smiling.

"Would you guys like to stay for the Holidays?" James asked Draco, Alisa, and Luna. They all nodded their heads. "Great!! Come here Harry. Come join us setting up pranks all around the house, because your aunt Petunia knows we're alive so she might want to hurt us." James said proudly and a little scared of what Vernon might do to the pure-blood. Harry nodded and Draco asked if he can join them after telling them that he was an enchanted vampire and Harry might have been slightly transforming throughout the night. James nodded as Draco explained the entire scene that just happened a few minutes ago. 

Harry teleported the four of them all back to Hogwarts. Alisa and Luna headed to get things done before going to the Potters' for the Holidays. Harry was for once excited to go home and leave Hogwarts. He just wanted to see his parents. His powers and desire to see his parents brought them back to life.

Draco for the first time in awhile was nervous. This was Harry's house they were going to. Luna and Alisa we're just super excited. Luna wrote a letter to her dad telling him where she will be for the Holidays. Harry was happy and super excited to spend time with his parents. 

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