The Vampires' Day

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Harry woke up early in the morning. Draco was sitting in an armchair reading a book. The title read 'What Happens on Vampires' Day?' Harry walked over to Draco and gave him a questioning look. 

"Draco, what is Vampires' Day?" Harry questioned. Draco realized what Harry was talking about and his eyes widened. "Are you okay, Draco?" Harry noticed Draco's shock and became worried.

"Um...I don't know I'm guessing it's a day of vampire love." Draco answered lying. A girl walked into the common room while Draco was talking to Harry. "Vampires are so interesting though so I decided to read about Vampires'..." Draco was cut off bye a hand covering his mouth. The girl had covered Draco's mouth with her hand and didn't allow Draco to finish anything about vampires. 

"Hi both of you. My name is Silvia." the girl said. She smiled. "Draco, can I talk to you alone?" Silvia asked. Draco nodded and Harry walked away and back into the dormitory to get ready for school. "Draco you know we don't go saying things about our kind especially to ones like Harry." Silvia started to confront Draco. "You know this don't do it again. Also avoid the sun. Our hoods are stuck to our cloaks and can't be put up, so avoid the sun please."

"Thanks for the warning, but I don't go into the light anyway. Also why can't I tell Harry about vampires?" Draco asked in concern. Silvia gave him they would die look and Draco knew why. Harry had his bag and headed out of the common room. Draco watched Harry and grabbed his bag and followed Harry. Harry headed out toward the sun. Draco grabbed his hood and pulled it but it didn't go you. He remembered what Silvia said. He grabbed a jacket and putt the hood of that on his head and ran until he caught up with Harry.

Harry was walking toward the forbidden forest. Harry had no clue what he was about to witness. Draco went ahead of him and wandered in the forest until he found his friends. He warned them and the three of them headed to tell the royal family that they'll have to find another day. The royal family rejected the offering. Silvia looked at Draco and wasn't happy.

Draco took the fall of the plan in getting Harry to exit the forest. Instead Silvia came up with an idea and told her parents. They agreed. Draco was to kill Harry through their vampire ways. Draco started to shake and wanted to say no, but he couldn't.

"This is stupid. I can't kill him no...never." Draco said to his friends while walking back toward the castle. "He means so much to everyone. He's the one who defeated the Dark Lord. He loved getting stuck in dangerous things." Draco was still shaking from earlier. Blaise gave a sorry look, while Pansy gave a 'he deserves this' look. "He defeated the one my parents work for, and I'm the one who has to kill him." Draco was complaining now more than ever. Harry walked through a few branches. Draco saw him coming. 

"Draco? What are you doing here?" Harry asked him. He was confused, because they weren't wearing their hoods like usaull. "Hello Parkinson, Zabini." Harry said as Draco got closer to him. 

"Harry I should ask you the same thing. I'm here because I'm getting samples of something for potions." Draco lied. He stared at Harry. He go closer to harry until he was 10 inches away from Harry's face. Draco kept getting closer to Harry's mouth. 

"Draco, what are you doing?" Harry asked in a whisper because Draco was now 6 inches from touching Harry's lips. Harry stood there wide-eyed. Silvia came walking over to talk to Blaise and Pansy. She looked over and saw Draco inches away from Harry. She thought he was doing this to get close to Harry. She was right and wrong at the same time. Draco was only doing this to get close to Harry, but he wasn't doing it to bite Harry and kill him. "Draco, seriously what are you doing?" Harry asked again still in a whisper.

Draco now 5 inches from Harry's lips. "Harry, I don't want to harm you." Draco said answering Harry's question. Harry was still confused, but he didn't care. Draco couldn't do anything to hurt Harry. He knew what Draco was going to do.

Draco was only 4 inches away slowly getting closer to Harry. Harry stood on his tiptoes which made his and Draco's lips 2 inches away from each other. Draco was scared because he knew that Silvia was there. Harry couldn't stand the pressure of Draco being 2 inches away from him so he pushed forward and planted his lips right on Draco's. He closed his eyes and Draco did too. They ignored what was going on around them. 

Draco heard Blaise say, "Look he's sparkling." Draco opened his eyes and seen that his skin was sparkling. He remained kissing Harry though. Harry opened his eyes...

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