Ronald's Advice

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Ronald Weasley was spending time with a very smart gryffindor, Hermione Granger, and his brothers, Fred and George Weasley,. Harry walked into the library. Ronald seen him and walked over to him.

"You should take my advice and avoid Malfoy."Ronald said. Draco walked into the library when Ronald started speaking. draco overheard Ronald, and he felt his heart sink.

"Why should I stay away from Mal-Draco?"Harry asked. "I think you're the one I should avoid, Weasel." Harry said not thinking his words through. Draco smiled at Ronald being called a weasel. Draco walked out from behind the bookshelf

"Weasel...good one, Potter." Draco started laughing.  Ronald looked at him and got mad. His face got as red as his hair. "Come on, Potter. Lets leave the weasel alone." Draco grabbed Harry's hand and started to walk away with Harry.

"Draco, call me Harry from now on please." Harry told Draco and he listened. Draco still holding Harry's hand walked toward the Great Hall for lunch. Harry hesitated to pull away from Draco. He relaxed caught up with Draco's footsteps. Harry stopped Draco outside the Great Hall. He stood on hi tip-toes and kissed Draco's cheek. "I'm sorry. Draco, can you sit next to me so I can still hold your hand?" Harry asked.

"Harry, I will sit next to you anyway, but you can't hold my hand. I was getting you away frm the mud-blood and that weasel." Draco answered.

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